Ruchelle A. California

Concerns about Overtime Pay

Part-time employees don't get pay overtime unless you work 40 hrs or more.

September 8, 2016

Dear Mr. President,

My name is Ruchelle Ann Dela Pena, and I'm a high school student that works a part-time job. According to our work permit from school, we have limited hours where students must only work 4 hours in a day on a weekday until we turned 18 years old. But on weekends I work about 7 or more hours so that isn't enough to make up 40 hours of work in the whole week. Also part-time should only work the hours we are assigned but sometimes, we have to stay an hour more or couple more minutes but we aren't getting paid double on that time we are staying. It's hard working especially that we go to school and have more homework to do after work, that's the reason why students/ part-time workers should be getting paid double on overtime. Thank you, Mr. President.


Ruchelle Ann Dela Pena