George m. California

letter 2 president

Dear Mr./Ms. President of the United States, how will you deal with the current state of the U.S's racial and immigration situations? In my personal opinion I feel like we should be focusing on the way all cops of all races and genders approach Blacks. I understand that you have to be alert at all times as an officer of the law. But to maybe work on taking better approaches towards people. Maybe to implement programs in training to work on people and social skills, I feel as if that could benefit those on the police force that have no experience with certain races. How many more innocent African Americans have to die until something is done. Also I feel as if shooting first, asking questions later, is so dumb like give them a chance to answer or to give them what the officer needs. In the end this is how I feel and most likely many others.

 Dear Mr/Mrs president of the United States, how will you deal with the current state of the U. SS racial and immigration situations. In my personal opinion i feel like we should be focusing on the way all cops of all races and genders approach Blacks . Like i understand that you have to be alert at all times as an officer of the law. But to maybe work on taking better approaches towards people. Maybe to implement programs in training to work on people and social skills, I feel as if that could benefit those on the police force that have no experience with certain races. How many more innocent African Americans have to die until something is done. Also I feel as if shooting first asking questions later is so dumb like give them a chance to answer or to give them what the officer needs. In the end this how i feel and most likely many others. 

Santa Clara High School

Seniors in ERWC @ SCHS

Santa Clara High School 12th grade students writing in periods 3, 4, and 6 of the CSU Expository Reading and Writing Course.

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