Sam Wisconsin

College Tuition

College Tuition costs have rose out of control in the past years.

Dear Future President, 

College tuition's have gone up quite a bit in the last couple years and I think that the president should try his or her best to get the cost down. 

My first reason to lower tuition is that we are keeping the cost so high that less people are able to enter college. And this means that our economy will suffer from loss of jobs and loss of important positions like Doctor's or Nurses . This all according to The cost of college includes the cost of missing opportunities to make money at jobs.

My second reason is that many college seniors are overwhelmed by debt trying to pay back loans that they use, but with all of the expenses in college and tuition costs they cannot pay back there loans and that puts them into debt. Tuition should be lower because even though you are attending this college for a lot of money jobs are not guaranteed when you graduate. Tuition is even more rough to the out of state people  because the cost for people from out of state is nearly double what the people from that certain region have to pay. This information according to College 

My third reason is a personal insight to the issue. Just imagine if you were following and pursuing your dream job or career but the career requires a college degree and you cannot afford to enter the tuition cost of that college and just like that your dream job or career can be put to an end. And only because you could not afford the College tuition.

And I end my letter with this question. Future president what will you do to fix all of the issues or problems of this great place known as this great place of america?


De Pere Middle School

Damsheuser Block 3

Students in Mrs. Damsheuser's 8th and 10th hour classes.

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