A proposal to put a tax on a carbon based fossil fuels that will drive up costs for polluters and encourage growth in green energy fields
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding the issue of climate change
Global warming is a serious issue and is happening right now and will only get worse over time. Global warming will and is effecting lives of human...
Global warming is issue that effects us, animals, and the environment. We are the ones who started global warming so we must the be the ones to end...
Citizens of the US do not realize how much harm they are doing. Dangerous fumes being exhaled from the backs of our cars and lower class Americans ...
Sustainability is the biggest crisis facing America today.
Climate change has been a big issue that has been overlooked by Americans for many of years, but now we have to put further efforts to stop it from...
Climate change is a big global problem that needs to end now.
Climate change is having a major impact on the world, and is only getting worse. Urgent action is necessary.