Drugs are taking over America
In the U.S thre is a growing epidemic with teens and young adults taking a drug called heroin and we need to start preventing the use of this dang...
The war on drugs is a failure and we should be taking steps forward to address this issue.
The drug problem in the U.S. and how it is really affecting our country today.
The Federal Government spends more than $15,000,000,000,000 a year on our War on Drugs, and state and local governments spend an estimated $25,000,...
Never let drugs and alcohol abuse control you and don't let it change who you are.
Is Donald Trump right? Why do Mexicans immigrate to the U.S.?
This letter touches base on an epidemic that is very important to me.
Our nation has dealt with a War on Drugs for almost 50 years, and their has not been any help to our American people. There needs to be a refocus o...
My opinions on why the drug laws are bad in the United States. And ideas I think we can do to make the laws better.
The War on drugs has been a failure.
A letter explaining some of the views on marijuana legalization and the writer's opinion after research
Drug use is bad in general regardless of age.
Drugs should be illegal/banned.
I believe the legalization of marijuana recreationally for certain ages can save many lives and help many people.
In means of elaborating on one change I would like to see within America, I would like to talk about how the next president can finish decriminaliz...
Many families have been broken apart due to the use of drugs, many people have lost their career even their lifes. In some cases this statement is ...