The death penalty is justice itself. In this i discuss that you mr president should make the death penalty legal.
Bacteria are becoming resistant to all of our antibiotics, and action needs to be taken before this issue grows out of hand.
It time for the government to catch up. We need affordable or free health care. I think Obama care can help us get to this point. Many people die e...
This letter is about soldiers and the importance they have in the world, and how they need to be taken better care of.
Can you say with 100% certainty that marine life dying isn't a problem?
Death Penalty issue
My letter is about how many people commit suicide
Texting while driving is a serious issue that affects more than 1 million people every year.
Dangerous roads, dangerous driving, and deadly blind sides are leading to Americans Deaths.
"What purpose does the death penalty serve in a blossoming society?"
We need to keep guns out of the hands of people with criminal records.
57 million people, humans, future leaders able to change the world, dead. Since 1973, millions of babies have been killed through abortion. Many p...
What will the future president do in the high percentages of suicides in teenagers?
What would you do if you walk into Walmart for the first time and see a gun isle right next the the children's isle, this is our reality in America...
Cigarette companies are harming our community.
Legalizing all drugs and supporting addicts will cut out illegal drug trade across America.
We desperately need to raise the penalties on drunk driving laws.
My opinion about the death penalty.
Gun control is a growing problem in America with increasing cases of mass shootings, we need more control and background checks in our country to e...
Hunger is a big deal that should not happen and needs to be worked on. There should be no reason for hunger. If there are people with billions of d...
Texting and driving laws should be enforced more because people think that it is okay to text while driving and people are being killed and distrac...
As the President of our country, it is your job to make our lives a priority and to make us feel safe anywhere we are.
Only police officers should be allowed to own guns in the U.S.
Dear future president, I hope you are having a wonderful day, and I am thrilled that you have the time to read my message. There are some topi...
This letter is about how Colin Kaepernick has been showing disrespect towards Our flag and National Anthem.
Our marine life is dying, and it's our fault.