Veterans who risked their lives for our country should not be left homeless, nor should they feel unprotected.
This article is about homelessness, a big issue throughout the country. We should put an end to homelessness and stop this problem.
The president should make a home for each and every homeless person.
We should end homelessness in America.
Homelessness is a problem in America, and some of the ways it is being dealt with are both insufficient and unfair.
There should be no poverty. Everyone should have the bare minimums such as food, water, and shelter.
1.6 million children will experience homelessness this year, making up one-third of the homeless population.
We must do something to prevent the number of homeless that is increasing.
There is an astounding amount of people stuck on the streets of cities, under bridges, starving and sick, spending the money they panhandle on drug...
''What will you do to make the world a better place?''
I think people should help the homeless just as much as other people get the help they need. Homeless people deserve to live too.
This letter addresses the problem of homelessness in my city and across the nation in hopes of encouraging the future president to solve this issue.
This is a problem that needs to be dealt with.
The problems of homelessness.
Homelessness is affecting a lot of families in the U.S and the president needs to do something about it.
This letter is about homelessness and how we need to find a way to help the community, and help them to get food,clothes and shelter. We need to he...
Poverty in America is rising ,because the minimum wage is low, pricing of housing is high, and people are unable to sustain a healthy diet due to l...
There are individuals out there with out a home and with a slim chance of ever having a home.
Mental health is not understood enough is society today, a change around this stigma must be changed.
Some of the problems that I focus on are wages, homelessness, discrimination, global warming, and education.
Children shouldn't live out in the cold because their bodies are still developing. Our voices need to be heard because these children need food and...
In the year 2015 564,708 people were homeless in the United States. And, part of that number 206,286 were families, which is a huge number and it n...
Discussion on the struggle veterans face when returning home
Veterans worldwide are not being provided the things they need. This has resulted in increased poverty, drug abuse, suicides, and homelessness.
This letter is describing the issues I think we have with homelessness in America. I explain some problems but also solutions for homeless people a...
We should decrease the population of homelessness and hunger in the United States.
This letter is about homelessness and the ways you can HELP!
There are way to many people that do not have a home and we need to fix that.
There are many homeless people in America and more money needs to be spent to help them find a home or a shelter to live in.
Homelessness is a large issue in America. How can we fix it?
This letter is about homelessness.
With a select percentage of people in the planet living in excess and prosperity, why must people suffer or earn their right to food, water, and sh...
Homeless veterans is a big issue, that is important. Please support our veterans.
Letter to Prez about homeless population
I am talking about two problems that I believe the upcoming president should address which are immigration and homelessness.
The United States needs to stop fighting in the biggest mistake we've made yet, the War in the Middle East.
Why are people homeless? The causes can vary widely, but the heartache in each person’s story is the same. Painful life circumstances, and sometime...
Homelessness is a big problem that we need to stop. Now there are 5 million people who are homeless. Here is why I think we should stop it.
Learn from me, Mirra Lee, a 15-year old female. I live in West Seattle and the issue I wrote about is on homelessness.
For struggling families to kids on the streets america needs your help to fight against homelessness. When we carry out our daily lives many of us ...
We don't know them all, but we owe them all.
Many people in America are living their lives without a home, money, nor food. The general population does not care about this situation much. What...
I want people to see the truth of who the homeless are because they need help to offer to place to live
Homelessness is a major problem all around the world and I do not feel that the president has done enough to solve it.
Possible solution to poverty...
Homelessness is disappointing because it is sad to see all those homeless people living on the streets and no where to live and nothing to eat.
Why America needs to help stop America
The more aware we are as Americans about our homeless youth problem, the more support for youth safe havens will be created. If we are not made awa...
The homeless need to have access to good health insurance.
Homelessness is a problem all over the world.
Why and how we should help the homeless who can't help themselves
There are many problems in this world. One problem we need to fix is homeless veterans. There are way to many veterans that have nothing. They are ...
homelessness is a big issue today
The Foster Care system is broken.
The statistics on homelessness and why it should be funded by either the government or by local people and buisnesses
Homelessness is a huge problem and we can stop it...
This is a letter about helping the homeless and food waste in America to prevent starvation and to decrease the homeless population. However, I wil...
In my letter I explain Veteran Rights and Affairs focusing specifically on veteran homelessness and unemployment and how we can help to reduce vete...
In this passage I talk about the issue and side effects of homelessness and how it could be stopped or prevented.
Homelessness is an extremely prevalent issue that will only continue to grow if not addressed immediately.
Homelessness in America
Thousands of Americans struggle with not having a home. This should be dealt with more efficiently.
We need to help the Homeless
The homeless of the country are looked down upon hundreds of times per day, but what if they didn't have to be homeless?
Poverty in America. Can it be even be looked at?
How the president can help reduce teen homelessness because it is a big and overlooked problem our country faces.
This letter is about where America needs to place it's priorities.
...I am forced to conform to my birth-assigned gender ...I don't want to face rejection ...I need representation of the LGBT+ community.
Everyone should have access to healthy living shelter conditions.
A spoken word describing the frustration faced by homeless people in America.
More than 564,708 people are homeless today many people are suffering and cold and have no home. They are suffering to death and some have disabili...
Eradication of poverty must occur in order for the United States to become a more independent nation.
The wealth gap is the root of poverty, thus in order to solve poverty we must talk about the wealth gap and what we're doing to bridge the gap.
I’m a fifteen year old student who lives in California and there are a few problems I would like to address that must be resolved. These problems a...
The next president of the United States needs to address our nation's flawed mental health system to help the mentally disabled get back on their f...
Homelessness on the rise?
Do you ever see people begging for money and food, with their family or animals on the street? I do all the time. My goal is to make Shelters easie...
There are way to many people homeless in the United States and we need to fix it.
An article on the negative effects of immigration in America.
This letter is about how many people in the U.S.A. live without the 5 basic needs. This letter is also a persuasive note to you, saying that our Co...
A look at the connection between immigration and poverty.
There are 500,000 people in the U.S. who are currently homeless.
Homeless veterans and helpless homeless immigrants deserve help entering back into society
My letter is about how we need to pay more attention to homeless people and take action to help them out because, they need the same things as the ...
Everyone should have a home.
Homelessness of Veterans
It's time to start supporting the brave people who risk their lives for our country.
Homelessness is a huge problem in America that needs to be fixed. Future president, what will you do?
Its about things that are problems in the use that nobody cares about and nobody is changing
Ending homelessness in America needs to become a priority.
Youth homelessness is one of America's worst problems,and it is getting even worse as other, less important issues capture the country's attention....
More cities and towns should have more shelters and homes meant for homeless people
How homelessness effects people and how we should fix it
we need to provide food,shelter,and education
Joblessness is ruining America.
There is way to many homeless people in the US and we need to do something about it.
No one should be insidiously wealthy and over fed when they're are people starving and homeless.
We should help the homeless if they want to better their lives.