Research shows that ages 12-17 are playing games like Grand Theft Auto and that’s 97% of them playing those types of games and the rest are playing...
This is about why kids should not play video games that include violence, and gangs, etc. which leads to very bad consequences
Violent video games have been to blame for different crimes and today's youth acting violent but should it be the blame.
Violent video games can make teens and younger kids violent because of the sense of realism in violent video games.
It is constantly being said that the violence and graphic images of video games are corrupting the youth of today, but perhaps it is time to find o...
Don't blame video games for violence.
Violent video games are becoming a problem.
I think schools should implement more technology into the classroom.
The amount of violence in video games can affect the behaviors of children and teens.
A lot of people think that video games are useless and shouldn't be played because they think people are wasting their time, but video games can be...
Violent video games are impacting the minds of our nations young
Pokemon GO is being limited to its full potential in Lake Park, Wisconsin which is unfair to the multiple users of this game.
Video gamers are often singled out as antisocial, nerdy, and awkward. The segregation between gamers and everyone else in the world is really unfai...
My letter is about how video games are not bad but good and helpfull
I think that technology use in the classroom is better than using books.
How Video Game Addiction Can affect Your Social Life
Do playing violent video games cause people to become violent?