Police Brutality needs to be stoped
I understand that our nation is always going to have problems; however, we need to start taking care of those problems one by one. A major probl...
Police Brutality is a serious issue in are community's. In case you don't know what police brutality is please see examples of it in the Huffington...
My letter addresses one of America's biggest issues which is police brutality. I think that this is such an important problem that can't be ignored...
Policemen who abuse their power and how we can stop it.
Police brutality is wrong and has to be put to an end. This is an important issue to not just me but to most people.
It's about crooked cops and how most of us see the killings yet we don't take action.
The relationships between Police Officers and the people of this United States is failing and seems to be worsening, we must mend it.
Police brutality have always been here but recently it has gotten out of hand. Innocent people are dying in the hands of police who use their badge...
Policeman should use care.
This letter is about police brutality. It shows my opinion of the subject.
Racial profiling and police brutality have become some major problems in our nation. Something must be done to fix these problems.
How should America deal with police brutality?
Police Brutality has been a big issue in 2016. So big that is has claimed the lives of hundreds. Our president needs to be able to fix these proble...
Corrupt cops are abusing their power and calling it doing their job. Well news flash, killing a man because he’s selling cd's in front of a store ...
America has had a troubled past regarding the treatment of African American community. To this day, unjustly actions towards black people are being...
If we don't change now, things will only get worse.
The next president needs to focus on police reform, according to Morgan Smith. She feels that better conflict resolution training and more judicial...
A nationwide issue that can no longer be tolerated.
This is directed at the major candidates, Hillary and Donald. They need to address this.
Police Brutality is dividing us socially, economically, and ideologically. How can foreign affairs be more important than domestic affairs right on...
Police brutality throughout the nation is a growing issue that the next President of the United States needs to confront and solve.
Police Brutality is a serious problem because police are getting away with killing people with little to no punishments. What we need to do is simp...
The focus of my letter is going to be about the police brutality, which I think is a violation of people's right.
The criminal injustice in the U.S is a really big problem. ...
support the hard working police
Nowadays, police shootings are seen more often involving African Americans. They are mistreated a lot of time by the cops.
Dear Mister or Madam President
The statistics of police shootings are continuously rising, therefore I feel that police should be trained in psychology to reduce shootings and th...
Dear President, The police have thought that they can do whatever they want. The police think they can speed. They think that they can turn in fa...
Violence against people of color from police is an incredible problem that needs and deserves attention.
The police force designed to protect and serve has been corrupted and need the guidance of our Future President
Police violence is a very large problem.
a google slides presentation on police brutality for letters to the next president by Jalah Jones and Asha Mukhtar
Dear next president, The issue that i have and that you, the next president, should mainly focus on is the police control, basically the corruption...
It's guns and bullets /and some cops take advantage of that they do want they want / shoot when they feel like it / arrest who they want to / and t...
Why the Police gotta be so bad towards minorities.
Dear Madame/Mr. President: Whether or not we would like to believe this, blacks and other people of color are still facing embedded racism and sec...
In today's society many people are being brutally hurt or even killed by police officers using "extreme force." Due to this some departments have e...
This letter addresses the issue of police brutality in this country.
According to CNN, states require more training time to become a barber than a police officer. This may be the reason there is an increase in polic...
Police misconduct is a serious issue, with the most controversial crimes committed on duty: murder, theft, and assault.