All police should be required to wear body cams.
Black Lives Matter is something that everyone should be more aware about.
America has had a troubled past regarding the treatment of African American community. To this day, unjustly actions towards black people are being...
America needs to stop with people going against police because the media portrays them as a bunch of racist idiots who care about nothing except th...
Police brutality is increasing day by day and we need to take action.
its about how nothing changed since way back in the day
Racism in the criminal justice system is flipping a system meant to protect our citizens. It's creating an unsafe environment for entire races of p...
Suggestions for dealing with the Black Lives Matter movement.
Basically i am saying what the president should not do.
Police brutality has been an issue that was ignored for ages, and now it has become a major problem in our society. And it is way deeper than lack ...
African Americans today are dying as a consequence at the hands of some police officers for minor things.
These are very important questions for the upcoming president
Racial Injustice is a negative, and unfair thing which can break America if not resolved. If this continues this country will go against everything...
Let’s be clear we did not say only black lives matter; social media said that. We know that all lives matter but right now we have to focus on the ...
Letter to the president based upon police brutality.
My name is Timothy and I would like for Hillary to read this and help solve this number one issue in our country today. As we all know innocent Bl...
Its about things that are problems in the use that nobody cares about and nobody is changing
Basically, police brutality is a common thing that is being protested. Officers get away with murder, and its not ok. Citizens, especially Blacks a...
May the value of your character matter more than the color of your skin.
In this letter, I will be discussing the injustices against young Black men that are being killed on a daily basis.
Why the Black Lives Matter movement is doing more harm than good.
Racial Inequality
My letter is based around the Black lives matter group, it is based off of the idea that people think one ethnicity matters more than the others. I...
A letter in hope for a change, regarding police brutality in America.
It simply phases that ever since slavery ended, black folk are getting hurt by the way they look.
Dear Future President, I would like to discuss some of the problems I feel should be talked about and resolved, Black Lives Matter, and po...
Police Brutality is a major issue all over the United States. The media has brought attention to this issue and has started the Black Lives Matter ...
Look what is happening; black people are just getting shot because no one cares about black lives. American police already have killed twenty-fiv...
When does the hashtag stop and the actual movement begin?
Police brutality needs to stop because it is wrong, and innocent people are dying just because of the color of their skin.
No one has helped blacks at all but looks at us to help them win elections and become the leader of America.
In order to end racial discrimination in the United States, citizens need to respect one another and realize 'all lives matter.'
Police officers only have to have a high school diploma to get a gun and a badge. Is that really safe? The media says it is not, and studies have s...
Letter to the future President
When is the hatred going to stop
Innocent blacks getting killed by police.
my name is Jaylen i am a 14 year old male and i am going to tell you about police brutality on minorities.
Dear Next President, racial inequality is still a prevalent issue in U.S. society. Racial discrimination is not just limited to social settings but...
Corrupt cops are abusing their power and calling it doing their job. Well news flash, killing a man because he’s selling cd's in front of a store ...
Black Lives Matter doesn't just relate to police killings. It also extends to education opportunities for Black youth. Focusing on All Lives Matter...
This country is filled with hate crimes everyday and if we don't make a change right now it will get even worse.This letter is asking for the next ...
There is no reason for someone to be treated differently based on his or her looks; we are all the same and should be treated with respect.
Black lives matter
This is becoming a growing problem, and it needs to be solved. Dear future president, please try to help in getting rid of this growing problem.
Police brutality and racism have been extreme issues this year, so I would like to ask, Why do you want to be president?
Our nation is torn apart by police brutality, but better police training and supporting Black Lives Matter can help.
I like to address some issues I feel are important. Mostly for the younger people since they will be taking over the generation of adults soon. I f...
I want you all who ever reads this to focus on black lives matter because many black people are getting killed for no reason by the police.
Police is a very big issue that needs to be addresed
Persuasive Letter to the next President preserving the rights of African Americans in every way possible.
My essay is about how the president should handle the recent outbreak of police brutalities and black lives matter protests.
The every day struggles that people in the black community go through.
"Black Lives Matter" needs to stop
How black lives are being killed!!
Racism in the police is a big problem that's affecting the black people in a very bad way through discrimination and abuse just because of their sk...
Black people in America are treated like trash and you as the next President need to make an effort to change how people in our country are being t...
My letter focuses on Black Lives Matter. I focus on talking about equality.
Police are doing the opposite of their job by endangering innocent lives.
Police brutality is turning Americans against one another.
I wrote about how I believe that blacks are mistreated and needed to be viewed as equal people.
Inequality amongst racial groups in America is a major issue because people are being deprived of their inalienable rights of life, liberty, and th...
Police brutality and lack of equality for people of color is the most important and devastating problem in the United States right now because mor...
This letter talks about the problems with Police Racism.
Police brutality on black people should be forced to an end
Help us find a way to end it.
This letter is about police brutality and the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians.
Black lives should not be in danger because of misconceptions that people are having about them. They shall be treated with the same respect as eve...
Police Brutality
This is talking about the good and bad about the subject of Black Lives Matter.
it about how all of us can help this problem and how it happened
There has been a recent uproar over racial profiling.
There is too much racism in America, and this needs to come to an end. As the president you can help to resolve this issue.
Why are we treated so differently?
Every day the divide between black and white Americans affect people's lives.
Stand up and fight for your rights.
"So, what will you do to make sure that they don’t end up being another hashtag?"
Convicts with first time offenses should have the same chance to get a job as somebody with a clean record.
It most stop here!
Police brutality is a big issue in the United states. Something has to be done. People do not trust the law anymore.
Things need to change, and you can make a huge impact being the person you are.
This issue of police brutality is huge issue in the U.S that needs to be address and take a stand. But also black lives matter is a serious issue w...
Dear Madame/Mr. President: Whether or not we would like to believe this, blacks and other people of color are still facing embedded racism and sec...
My letter to the next president explains what police brutality is , how things can change, and who it affects.
A letter to the president of my thoughts on police brutality against African Americans in America and some solutions.
Racial profiling is when you believe someone has committed a crime just because of their race and it's something that needs to be stopped immediate...
My letter is about Police brutality in the U.S. and how it is the biggest problem that the next president should focus on. The United States police...
Black Lives Matter
People In the U.S think its okay to take away black lives . These are my reasons why Black people should be treated as anyone else in this world.
Everyone will be treated fairly even by race.
Dear Future President, Police brutality is a controversial topic that's on the rise, especially in the perfidious media. It's shameful ...
This about the black lives movement and how it affects America.
Police Brutality is dividing us socially, economically, and ideologically. How can foreign affairs be more important than domestic affairs right on...
We should all be treated equally whatever race we may be.
Police Brutality toward black men is becoming more of a problem each and every day . We can't continue to allow these officers who swore to protect...
The Black Lives Matter movement is often misunderstood.
Many people are judged not by the continent of their character but by the color of their skin and it creates problems when people want to do things...
Shouldn't you call the cops when you feel in danger? They should protect us, but what do we do when they start breaking the law?
It's about crooked cops and how most of us see the killings yet we don't take action.
Pollution is destructive , because it creates numerous types of water pollution and also lead to poor air quality affecting people's health.