I believe that child abuse is a serious matter and that the government needs to do something about it to stop it from happening. Some people may ca...
American lives are not worth any more or less than any others' lives.
How a "pik and a click" could change children's lives
Alcohol is a problem in the remote villages of Alaska.
We need new strategies to help spread awareness about child abuse.
Do you know someone that has physically or mentally abused? Child abuse is a very important issue in our world that effects a great amount of peopl...
This letter is about the different kinds of child abuse and ways we should stop it.
This letter is about making a stop to child abuse. And how we want the future president to stop child abuse.,
I wrote about child abuse and how people should pay attention to it more and how the president should prevent it from happening.
Domestic violence is not something to take lightly. Children all around the world are constantly watching their parents harm each other, we need to...
In this letter, I tell the presidents that abusive child labor should come to an end in foreign countries before more families are hurt.
Foster care has more negative effects on the former children than positive.
The dangers of alcohol abuse
Even though firearms are marked as protection, they actually cause more harm to those we want to protect. I am 17 years old and I have born witness...
This letter discusses the dangers and potential solutions for the increasing amount of gun violence in the United States.
A letter to the next president presenting ideas of drug abuse and its affects on our citizens, community, and country as a whole.
More than 60 people pass away every year in Kansas city
We believe that the next president of the United States should address the issue of the mistreatment of children.