1 million seabirds die from plastic. The oceans are in danger because of the trash that people throw on the oceans.
My letter is about how Animal Experimentation is a big problem in the United States. Millions of animals are killed each year in U.S labs alone, a...
Animal abuse is not taken as a serious problem and is not being dealt with as it should.
Animal testing is expensive, hard, and mostly inaccurate. We need a better solution to test our everyday drugs and cosmetics. Animals are not here ...
Animal abuse is a big problem in the United States right now. I believe that if we, as a country, work together to make it stop, we could make a bi...
Animal testing should be abolished worldwide because it practices speciesism, there are other alternatives to be used, and a great deal of the rese...
This letter is about animal abuse and cruelty In America and how stricter laws will help prevent it.
Dear future President, Imagine if someone, inhumanly, clipped the ears and the tail off your dog. Then sent your dog to fight other dogs in a life...
Egregious animal testing is making thousands of innocent creatures go through superfluous maltreatment.
Animals are valuable as humans are.
Dear future president, Please close Sea World. SeaWorld is very guilty about animal abuse and mistreatment, such as: breeding, capturing marine li...
This essay is written as a message to urge for more strict laws when it comes to poaching, which is killing many animals and endangered species eve...
Animals have rights just like we do and they are not taken as seriously as the should be.
Animals should not be in captivity for many reasons. It is not healthy and their life spans are significantly shorter.
Poor, innocent animals are slaughtered everyday just to satisfy peoples taste buds. No one considers the fact that these animals actually have feel...
Many animals are abused and they deserve better lives. So raise your paw against animal abuse!
As you read this another innocent animal is being abused. Help animal activists unite as one, they won't stop 'til the war is won!
Animal Cruelty is a huge problem in the United States and it must discontinue. Animals such as dogs and cats are being neglected and abused in pu...
Many animals are being mistreated and abandoned when they're not "needed" anymore. We need to take a stand and help these innocent animals.
Marine Pollution is a huge issue affecting millions of marine wildlife every day.
In My Letter, I explain how harsh, animal cruelty is,and what we can do to solve it.
Animals all around the world are being neglected, abused, hunted, killed and forced to live on the street. These animals did nothing to deserve thi...
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding animal experimentation.
This letter is about stopping animal abuse and making a change to help them stay happy and healthy.
Protect Animals instead Company profits
Meat is linked to many negative effects including disease, obesity and, of course, animal cruelty.
Dear future president, Are you aware that more than 100 million animals are tested each year?They are being tortured for human products and resear...
There are so many abused animals all around the world that just want a home and some love. In my persuasive letter, I am asking the future presiden...
Animal cruelty is the wrong path to go, we need to teach the people that are on that path to choose the right path. Animal cruelty is a major probl...
Dear Future President,
Animals across the nation are being abused and it needs to be addressed.
Animal Cruelty/Animal Testing is an issue that I believe people don't really give much attention to.
Imagine one of your pets being abused or neglected for profit or entertainment
Animal testing is wrong. Innocent animals are getting tortured with animal testing. It has to stop.
A ban needs to be placed on horse slaughter to stop the pain these innocent horses are put through.
Just Like Humans, Animals Lives Do Matter. Animals Help The Environment More Than Humans Do. Help . A Reference From Reference.com Said "Spiders ...
Testing on animals is wrong
China has a law that requires cosmetics to be tested on animals before it can be sold there. Petco and Petsmart are brutally freezing alive and po...
dog fights are brutal and around 20,000 dogs are killed in them so they need to stop
Dear Next President, Congratulations! You won the 2016 Presidential Election! I have extremely high hopes for our country's future and the care al...
Now that humans have evolved to go way beyond hunting animals for food and clothing, we need to consider how to treat animals with care and respect.