The United States is moving back in time due to the arising issues of racism and sexism
The recent increase in trivializing rape culture by Americans is detrimental to American society. Instead of providing victims with comfort and sup...
Get rid of sexism!!!
Discrimination and Racism are big issues in the U.S. Why do we have such a hard time accepting others?
Dear Future President, although the United States is thought to be a great nation for women, gender inequality still remains here in the U.S. Star...
My letter is on the sexist dress codes in schools and how they body shames girls, and perpetuate rape cultue.
Sexism is still a major problem in today's society. Women continue to make less pay and are under-represented in traditionally male-dominated indus...
Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. As a result of this staggering number, we see the inequ...
Dress codes are unfair, sexist and racist. They make girls feel inferior to male students, and promote the idea of women changing to please the wor...
The American Dream is often promoted by the government as something every American should strive to achieve, yet the stereotypical image that it is...
"Millions of people, mainly women, don’t get equal pay as their male counterparts. According to The National Committee on Pay Equity in 2015 women ...
Maybe one day your kids wants tattoos and blue hair, but also wants to be a doctor. Of course you'll tell them they can be and do anything they wan...
How sexism has affected many women today...
Sexism is an ongoing problem that tends to appear as not such a huge issue, even though it is. We should work to change how women are perceived and...
Sexism is about not having equal treatment between men and women.
Immigration and Sexism are problems in the United States that should be changed, after all this country's motto is liberty and justice for all.
A break down on equal pay for women.
There are countless matters that need to be dealt with in the United States, one of them being sexism.
Sexist dress codes have been a major puzzle piece in the harsh world of Self-objection, sexual harassment, and complication with men and women toda...
The letter addresses the problem concerning the topic of feminism, and how currently, the American government is neglecting this issue and being ig...
Sexism has affected the women of our nation for too long. The next person who becomes president needs to address and take steps to change this.
Sexism has been going on for far too long. Don't you think its time we put a stop to it?
I like to show my shoulders/ Weird enough, it's true/ And once or twice a week/ It's something many girls will do// Sometimes I show a slit of s...
We need to be taught that rape is wrong and change the laws.
The school dress code needs to be changed in order to apply equally to both genders.
Cops need to be chosen correctly or trained properly, so they can do the job right.
As a country we have many social issues. What are some social issues? How can we address them? The US is slowly falling apart because of this. Peop...
Discrimination Calls for Equality!
The gender wage gap is an issue that has plagued our society - and we need to fix it today. In order to achieve full equality, men and women must h...
Women around the world deserve equality.
I basically wrote a letter on my thoughts on these two serious issues Racism and Sexism and I put in what I think the President should do about it
The eradication of sexism needs to be enforced in our country because sexism creates disadvantages towards women in the workplace, it allows the de...
Both Woman and Men can be victimized by domestic violence.
My letter is about all of the reasons sexism is a problem around the world.