Global warming is causing lots of problems around the world. If we don’t try to stop it these problems will get bigger.
Climate change is a serious issue and if we don't he on it now it might be too late.
The polar ice cap is melting, the Earth is getting warmer, and we need to do something about climate change.
As president it is imperative that you pass regulations and acts to help combat global warming.
The Polar Ice Caps are disappearing! Polar bears are being forced more South! These are all things we've heard about this election and thrown over ...
Please fight against climate change
Animals are being harmed because of human efforts to make planet Earth livable for us. But what about the animals who live on planet Earth with us?...
Dear Future President, My name is Meriem Cherif, and I live in California. I am writing to you because America is a powerful and glorious coun...
In this letter, we dive deep into the ocean to explore the many problems we are causing and how the ocean and animals are being affetced.
Global warming or climate change is an issue that threatens the world. Although the effects right now aren’t that big, in the future it will defini...
We started climate change - now we need to stop it.