This letter is about the prevalence of rape culture in our society today, what that means, and how to combat it.
"What was she wearing?" "Was she drunk?" "Was she leading him on?" Victim blaming is a huge problem in today's society. It justifies sexual assault...
Victim blaming
The recent increase in trivializing rape culture by Americans is detrimental to American society. Instead of providing victims with comfort and sup...
While dress codes can be useful, they preserve rape culture, humiliate students, and target specific groups rather than the whole student body.
Rape culture is a huge problem here in america, but the first part of fixing the issue is addressing it.
My letter is an explanation of how to decrease the amount of violent crime and improve society.
College rape is one of the biggest epidemics in sexual violence right now. There needs to be more justice for the victims. Victims are terrified to...
Defendants should get the actual consequence they deserve.
Rape culture is used to describe a society which blames rape victims for their assault and normalizes male sexual violence through pop culture and ...
The fact of the matter is, teens and children do not feel safe in the USA.
Rape isn't something to be ignored. There are many problems that arise from it and this letter discusses these issues.
It is long past time that we correct the issue of gender inequality in America.
School dress codes establish a climate of "Rape Culture". Dress codes tell students that sexual assault will only be avoided if you dress in a way...
The US needs to evaluate and change rape culture.
An American gets raped every two minutes. 34% of sexual assault and rape victims are under the age of 12. 66% of sexual assault and rape victims ag...
The United States' laws on rape and sexual harassment are not being strictly enforced. Instead of victims feeling safe, they are questioned.
A letter to the next President from a student in the U.S.
Why is it that sexual assailants are allowed to coexist in our already fragile society? Most importantly, how can their prison sentencing be justif...
The media continuously makes excuses for heinous acts that demoralize victims of objectification, and it needs to be stopped.
Currently, in 2016, rapists are not getting their well deserved time, or for some any time at all. Back in January of 2015, Brock Turner was indict...
I have written this to discuss the issue of sexual assault, and the aid and justice (or lack thereof) that is given to the victims.
Rape culture in our society has it forced into our heads that only females are victims of rape, when that is inaccurate. Yes, females are sexually ...
I believe that with the help of the next president of the United States we can all help to end the inequality between sexes as well as to stop the ...
In my letter I talk about how rape is treated and how we should change the punishments.
As a seventeen year old female, who is about to go to college this coming fall, I, along with many of my classmates, am worried about the growing s...
Marital rape seems to be an issue in all 50 states. There have been many women that are married or have an ex-husband, who may have been raped by t...
Sexual Assault victims are getting the short end of the stick.
Rape culture is a huge problem in America that not many people focus on. Our society is teaching young men that their sexual violence is okay and ...
Sexual assault is something that needs a more serious punishment. The person who is getting arrested for sexual assault on average only spends a ye...