Police need more respect.
I'm a 17 year old high schooler from Lafayette, Louisiana.
What comes to your mind when you hear the words Racial Profiling?
How can you improve a policemen life
Police Brutality is issue and it needs to stop, people have scarier things to fear than police.
First responders need to be safe while responding to calls, but in this day and age they are not. These are my views not only from a student's poin...
Cops should not kill people holding a weapon.
Illigal immigration is a big issue in the US, help us put a stop to this nonsense.
Police officers only have to have a high school diploma to get a gun and a badge. Is that really safe? The media says it is not, and studies have s...
Police Brutality has gotten out of hand. Help me try to stop it.
This letter is about what I would like the president to try and fix with his power.
Abortion and police violence needs to STOP.
Police issues cause a lot of problems in the U.S.A
Anger towards police in America needs to stop. Attitudes towards officers have to change because police are protecting us and just doing their job.
How should America deal with police brutality?
Gun laws should be more restricted and the police should use gun alternatives.
Nick Unger discusses the topic of police brutality in America, the horrors it has caused and how it can be solved by the presidential candidates.
Police brutality throughout the nation is a growing issue that the next President of the United States needs to confront and solve.
Dear Upcoming President, You know of the controversy between t...
Let's put racial profiling to rest for good.
Police brutality on black people should be forced to an end
Police officers can often misuse their own power to bring fear to the black community and other minorities.
Immigration is a debatable topic. It’s controversial and a lot of people have different opinions about it. Here’s mine, i think we should have an i...
Black Lives Matter is a group that protests the police, but in the process they are breaking laws. Black Lives Matter could be better than they are...
Police brutality is when a cop does something to an other person for no reason.
As the President of the United States of America, your central focus over the next four years must be united the nation's citizens once again.
Police violence is a very large problem.
The purpose of the police is to keep citizens safe, but many police officers are harming innocent families because of racial bias.
Bad Cops to Good Cops
Police is a very big issue that needs to be addresed
"Black Lives Matter" needs to stop
The police force of the United States is running on an outdated system that wasted money while taking away money from the offices and offers a serv...
This letter talks about the problems with Police Racism.
Everyone needs to know both sides of every story.
This letter is about how Colin Kaepernick has been showing disrespect towards Our flag and National Anthem.
a google slides presentation on police brutality for letters to the next president by Jalah Jones and Asha Mukhtar
For decades there have been issues over races, religion, and gender. But recently, there have been issues concerning law enforcement and the commun...
Police Brutality is a serious problem because police are getting away with killing people with little to no punishments. What we need to do is simp...
There is a problem with the respect for police in the United States. This essay explains a way to fix this problem, and not only improve the behavi...
Police brutality of black citizens has gotten out of control.
Police brutality is a major crisis throughout the world along with racism that needs to be recognized and controlled in order to have a successful ...
My take on police brutality
The police force designed to protect and serve has been corrupted and need the guidance of our Future President
My letter is about the problem of police brutality and if its a major problem and if it needs fixing.
The police need to stop violence because it is affecting our community!
So many people have been killed by police on and off duty, while police are faced with little to no punishment.
Police brutality is out of control. You are supposed to be our role model and our leader, what are you going to do, and are you going to be ready f...
I feel that police are being targeted due to the way ignorant people and the media portrays them? I would like to know what is your plan to stop br...
Looking at how police lives need protection.
Topics that are unsettling currently.
Many issues in America require the attention of many people in America.
Police Protection
Police need to have more training and supplies so they can protect us and themselves better.
Improving the United States Justice System.
As the next president, you have the ability to help resolve this by creating a rule or a law on police officers wearing body cameras at all times. ...
If our country loses it's respect for our officers, what will be the next to fall?
How police are being treated
In this text I will support my opinion on Death Penalty/Criminal Justice and College Education Expense.
Is the US law enforcement racist?
Why you should be concerned about police targeting
My letter is about how writing tickets to people with "loud" cars/bikes is wrong.
Dear Mister or Madam President
Police brutality is a serious issue in the world, with the presidents help, I think we can help the world become a better place.
After many grievances and disturbances within our schools, students are left questioning their safety during school hours. Are police our solution?
Law enforcement officers show bravery and determination to protect citizens in their communities. Targeting law enforcement officers for the actio...
There is a increasing amount of police issues and it needs to be stopped.
It most stop here!
Ellaina Andrew
I think police officers should be forced to have more education
Its a letter
Police Brutality has been a big issue in 2016. So big that is has claimed the lives of hundreds. Our president needs to be able to fix these proble...
Body cameras on police will allow the officers to show that they are taking the proper steps when conflict is happening with a civilian.
Police and the communities they serve are gaining tension due to highly media shown cop shootings, and unjust punishments. Only time can tell how t...
Innocent blacks getting killed by police.
Shouldn't you call the cops when you feel in danger? They should protect us, but what do we do when they start breaking the law?
Why the Police gotta be so bad towards minorities.
Through poetry, Erykah Williams voices the fear she feels as the sister of a young black man and asks the next president to do something about the ...
Help us find a way to end it.
Today, this issue has escalated in recent years in violence against enforcement officers, as violence committed against civilians.
Police Brutality has risen in the past decade; whats going on?
Police brutality is not as Black and White as many people want others to believe.
Police brutality has been a problem for a while now- which is the problem.
This letter is about police brutality. It shows my opinion of the subject.
This letter addresses the issue of police brutality in this country.
Body Cameras Should Be Worn By The Authorities
Police Brutality is killing innocent people, causing riots and uprisings, and are causing people to lose trust in their police force and court syst...
The shooting has to stop.
Everyone should be treated equally, including our police workforce.
America needs to stop with people going against police because the media portrays them as a bunch of racist idiots who care about nothing except th...
This issue is on racism. Racism is a big issue here in the U.S. and it needs to be resolved. This video give a lot of information on the issue that...
Law enforcement officers should be respected more because of the hard work they do to keep our country safe.
This is about Racial profiling and what it causes and why it needs to be stopped.
Police Brutality has gone viral over social media and the news. This problem is happening everyday and it needs to be stopped.
This letter is about the issue of police brutality. It gives reasons on why this issue is so important right now and how to fix it.
There should be no curfews in all cities in the United States
My name is Emily Jemison, and the issue that I have today is concerning police brutality. A police officer has a responsibility to uphold the law a...
support the hard working police
Racial Injustice has been a hot and controversial topic lately, get the scoop- and the facts, on this important topic.
This video depicts the issue of violence upon citizens, over the years, at the hands of the police. It addresses the issue directly and proposes a ...
Can our future president actually make America great again?