Children are growing up to be very violent or have other emotional issues, because of the things they’ve seen in their short lives. Children who s...
Are you okay with families being separated because of deportation?
Deporting immigrants can separate families which hurts children most and who would want that?
This letter is discussing the reality of families being torn apart and living in fear due to deportation.
In family court children should be able to have a voice and someone to talk to that way they can understand their situation.
Immigrants are being deported for no reason. People came here to the United State to start a new life.
Immigrants are constantly being looked down upon, but why is that so? They come to this country to fight any obstacle than comes up in order for th...
The Reality of Immigration
Dear Next President, Hate Immigration and this is a w...
Do you ever see people begging for money and food, with their family or animals on the street? I do all the time. My goal is to make Shelters easie...
immigration is one of the most important issue that united state face.
The Future President 1660 Pennsylvani...
This border has caused many problems before and it will continue to cause problems in the future for both of these countries. We need to solve thes...
My claim is for legal drugs all around the country's to be illegal. I don't see how drugs are good in the world unless they are used for treatments...
People come to the United States for better lives. Better everything. Deportation will make everything worse.