Abortion is affecting millions of young woman and girls, but listening to society, isn't always the best option.
I strongly disagree with abortion and I think it should be illegal
Susan was her name, and it wasn't what you think. She died on the inside. Abortion is a very heavy matter for people who get it, and if they don't ...
A plea to stop abortions.
Abortion should be abolished, and Planed Parenthood defunded.
Abortion is murder and should not be treated any differently.
An unborn child is a human being and should have the right to live. Abortions should stop or at least slow. The abortion rate should reduce not inc...
There is a problem in America that can no longer be ignored and it must be addressed, abortion.
Abortion has been a big issue for so many years. There's about 50 million abortions per year. Nearly half of pregnancies in women were unintended ...
Our letter is focused on how many pregnancies are terminated
This letter is about how abortion is wrong and how it needs to be stopped.
my story and my fear
57 million people, humans, future leaders able to change the world, dead. Since 1973, millions of babies have been killed through abortion. Many p...
Scientifically, the name of an unborn child is a fetus. However, it is a life. And it is a human being.
Abortion is Bad
Abortion is an overlooked problem that keeps getting worse and worse but no one is acknowledging it. It needs to be assessed, addressed, and outlaw...
Abortion can cause regrets.
Abortion is wrong.
Don't exclude babies for concerns on personal lives. They are blessings not something for you to throw away when you're having tough times.
Why burn the spark? Ruin the happiness. Kill the Love. It's easy to be pro-choice when you are not the one being killed. Abortion needs to stop now...
Many lives are killed everyday through abortion and we need to stop the menace.
Abortions for selfish reasons should be illegal .
Abortion is immoral and should be illegal.