A letter supporting immigrants
I'm a student at Aptos and currently writting this in Mr. Leeper's Ethnic Studies class. We have been talking about the election for the past week ...
The Reality of Immigration
A letter about the benefits that immigrants bring to America coming from other countries. No matter where they come from but where they arrive.
Undocumented immigrants should keep staying in the US, just as Obama have to give visas to immigrants and waiting for their citizenship. I believe ...
Illegal immigration is tearing apart the United States. It is instrumental to our safety, economy, and country that we begin to restrict and monito...
Immigration is a good thing for America. America's immigrants help its economy. Undocumented people bring different cultures to America and America...
This letter is based on the bad effects of deportation which focused on the Central American kids who were undocumented and came to the USA. I am ...
There are many immigrant children who at a young age are living without their family because their parents are undocumented immigrants. It affects ...
Undocumented immigrants who have contributed to our country should have the right to gain citizenship.
Keep undocumented immigrants in the US
We should make a stand for undocumented immigrants because they are an important part of our community.
Dear next President,
Persuasive letter to the next President, advocating for the change of immigration
Many undocumented immigrants are affected by not having essential basic rights in the U.S and something needs to be done about it.
Persuasive letter to the next president, advocating modification towards the immigration system
Add Letter Here Later
At such a young age you shouldn't have to be taken away from your parents.
This article addresses how immigration needs to be fixed. However, I feel that Undocumented Immigrants should have a path to citizenship.
I have a request regarding undocumented immigrants, the wall, and America's Judicial system.
Dear future President, I would like to address taxpayer spending and how our money will be spent. I do not condone distributing the majority of tax...
The U.S. has so many undocumented immigrants since the immigrant upsurge began. Most of the undocumented immigrants escape to the U.S. for a better...
Undocumented immigrants should have an easier time becoming citizens.
A lot of undocumented immigrants are having a hard time living in the United States and the government needs to stop coming after them.
The US should help undocumented immigrants get on the road to citizenship.