Distracted driving is a serious issue in today's society that needs to be tended to.
Raise the driving age
Texting and driving can be dangerous
Some thirteen year olds are mature enough to drive.
We desperately need to raise the penalties on drunk driving laws.
There needs to be more solutions and stricter laws to prevent driving under the influence. People are losing family members unexpectedly. The next ...
the age to drive should be lowered?
This page is about why texting and driving should be a law in the United States. It is a very serious issue that isn't getting enough attention in ...
Texting while driving is a serious issue that affects more than 1 million people every year.
Why there should be even more strict laws about drinking and driving.
I would like to change is the age for drivers licenses. The age should be 15 instead of 16 so we can show are responsibility with cars. All over t...
Dangerous roads, dangerous driving, and deadly blind sides are leading to Americans Deaths.
Dear Future President, My name is Roman, I am a senior at Clarkston High School and there is an issue that people really don’t take seriously on ...
People have accidents, but leaving the scene with a dead body is just wrong.
This letter is about the effects of texting while driving.
Dear Madam or Mr.President: I need to address something to you before you go to office, My name is Marco Fermin and i want to ask somethi...