Celebrities are paid millions of dollars each year while military men and women are sacrificing their lives getting paid very little compared to th...
Gun violence in a major issue and should be considered to have regular checks on the holders of these
Stop Homelessness today!!!!
It's time to start focusing on the terrorism problems that matter most...in our own country.
Obesity has become a major issue throughout the United States. I believe there are a few things that can be done to address these concerns for Amer...
Why do we still discriminate?
My paper was on how racism is affecting Americans and way we think about other races and causing us to think about races out of the country and how...
My letter is to the President of the U.S about immigration. I think that illegal immigrants are fine and America needs them. They are the people wh...
This piece basically explains my views on why the D.R.E.A.M Act should be made into law, and how it might appeal to the next president.
Things that you should avoid as president.
Be a kid again.
A letter to our future president on what he/she should do to better our nation, improve our security, and how people feel around they're own neighb...