The future president should stop child abuse. This will help children so that they don't go through terrible experiences.
There is a problem with the respect for police in the United States. This essay explains a way to fix this problem, and not only improve the behavi...
I'm writing this to the Future President.
Sexist dress codes have been a major puzzle piece in the harsh world of Self-objection, sexual harassment, and complication with men and women toda...
In this persuasive paper I talk about the three things I think the president should be the most concerned with and about.
Immigration has been a very common problem, well I think that the future president should fix that problem. But with NO damage.
A request and a question to the president about reform.
The Honey Bees are in serious danger.
Letter to the future president in hopes of raising awareness.
I believe paid leave should be required for child birth and serious illnesses of a family member or close friend.
We should support illegal immigrants.
You are President of the United States, "Forgive and forget," no longer applies.
A letter to the future president about same-sex marriage remaining legal.