People don't know the effects of an abortions until you get one, but many studies show that it can cause damage to both the woman and child.
Recently police brutality has been blasted all over social media, creating a rift between the public and police. Can it be fixed? Can we end the un...
Abortion is killing innocent lives
Stop the violence
Laws should be more strict
Racial inequality and police brutality is something the next president should really be concerned with.
Dear Future President , Police have been killing very...
How police brutality is causing harm to us and it can affect more innocent people.
Abortion should be stopped. It should not be legal for a woman to terminate her child in the womb because doing so is murder. Those babies are unab...
We need to stop an ongoing problem in our society; abortion.
Everyday Isis continues to cause destruction and kill innocent people in and out their country. And everyday Isis is recruiting more and more ...
This is about racism and what I feel.
This piece is about how we should have background checks on gun purchasers to lower the danger of homicide in America.
This is about what I think the world has come to. And how we are not treating everyone equally and what we should do about it.
Too many shootings have been happening lately and we need to do something about it! My solution is gun control. Read my article to find out why I t...
In the year 2015 564,708 people were homeless in the United States. And, part of that number 206,286 were families, which is a huge number and it n...
do something about the clowns roaming the woods at night chasing people
Over the last 10 years the rise of terrorist attacks have occurred and if airports and the curriculum of schools could be changed, then this could...