The nasa budget needs to be raised significantly in order for progress in space exploration to be achieved, and for the human race to move into the...
This letter argues for increased funding and support for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). It presents the benefits of spac...
There is a vast horizon outside of our world, and we haven’t explored it. I hope that you will fund and promote the possibility of exploring space...
Recently many Americans have been deterred from space R&D. Many say it is too expensive, dangerous, or improbable, however, there are many missed o...
NASA has been consistently underfunded in the last decade. We need to work together to generate enthusiasm for space travel again.
Funding for space exploration should be reallocated to foreign aid and other domestic programs.
A debate on the concern of space debris and space exploration, and the importance of doing our part in making our environment safe. -Rebecca K.
I wrote about the U.S.A's federal budget and how little our space program receives