Using pacifist methods to stop an ever growing problem.
Imagine all the People living in Peace... -John Lennon
The nuclear weapons are too dangerous for the future.
The type of leader I believe would be good for America would have to be a leader that does not hold grudges against people of different religions...
Improving the United States Justice System.
To truly be a free country we should stop increasing our torture on criminals and terrorists but instead find a better solution.
This letter is about how violence throughout the nation is quickly spreading. This rapid spread of violence needs to be changed for future generati...
In order to reach world wide peace we must first respect each others differences.
Short video/write of what America's issues are.
Microorganisms do not care what race, gender, or age of people they are affecting. Biological weapons are “gram for gram, the deadliest weapons ev...
the threats and possibilities concerning nuclear weapons in modern day
Over the last 10 years the rise of terrorist attacks have occurred and if airports and the curriculum of schools could be changed, then this could...
Something is needed to fix equality around the United States
A letter to the future president regarding the issues on terrorism.
Muslims live in fear that they will be attacked. Americans live in fear that Muslims will attack them.
If we can work together to start World Peace, then everyone would be much safer.
this country is SO helpless without christ in it.
Ellaina Andrew
How we can be one of the greatest countries on earth, yet face this rare dilemma? Beyond me. Murder.
Reasons why we should make stricter gun control.
Police need to stop abusing They're power
Racial Inequality
Dear future President of the United States, What's Going On?
Bullying is an extremely prevalent issue in our society, which is causing children of all ages to lose hope and faith in society. This issue is som...
Dear future president I first wanna w...
Why do other countries hate us, the U.S.A.? This could start war!
This talks about immigration and police brutality
In short, I just want acceptance to be the main focus in the office and in the new president's mind
How Donald Trumps views on Muslims are corrupt
Why I think you're unfit to be president.
A letter by Michael Calderon
I hope the president is reading this. I hope whoever the president is going to be, I hope they will do something good for this country. I hope the ...
World Peace is the solution to all problems in the World.
America is in dire need of a leader to unite its citizens around our differences.
The importance of fairness and equality between racial groups in America
How the meat industry is negatively effecting the world.