Do teenagers really get enough sleep? No. Does sleep deprivation have effects on school performance? Yes. Can we stop it? Yes
Teens don't get enough sleep, and it is proven. Starting school later in the morning is a small change that will make a big difference.
Students are losing sleep because of current school times.
Students should get sleep rather than complete homework.
We should be able to sleep in
The average start time for public schools in the U.S. is 8:03 am, too early for students to properly learn.
Too much education can take time away from other things
Pushed back school start times will improve academic performance and improve student health.
Teens aren't getting enough sleep, and we need to change our school start times to remedy this deprivation.
School start times need to be pushed back because of students' circadian rhythms and to increase productivity.
Start times in American schools are reducing the amount of sleep a teenager gets, and are negativity affecting their grades.
My letter explains sleep deprivation and the effects it has on teens all around the world.
Teenagers are in danger of having future sleeping disorders because of the traditional start time for school.
Kids need more sleep and school needs to start later so kids can get that sleep
Students require more sleep to perform at their maximum academic potential and to complete daily tasks.