The presidential debates seem to be focused around the many problems American citizens have been facing during this nightmare of a year, but althou...
President, the fate of these people and animals are largely in your control, so what will you choose to do about it? Please read this letter.
There's a stereotype that needs to be changed, girls can do whatever they want without having people judge on the way we do certain things.
Start thinking about you and your family. By doing something good, don’t expect to be paid same way back.
Qur’an 6:151 says, “and do not kill a soul that God has made sacrosanct, save lawfully.”
The news media needs to focus on the positive things that Muslims do, and not only the negative actions of a few. Recently, There was a social expe...
All of one student's fear expressed in a letter.
With these solutions, we win the battle to ending police brutality and racial stereotypes.
Are you scared of guns? What about the people pulling the trigger? Guns don't shoot by themselves. There has to be a mind behind them. ...
What is being done about terrorist groups as I am scared of the affects of the groups
Hate and fear have been a huge problem throughout our history. How deal with this hate here now could determine the state of the world. We can't lo...
We teach our children that they can be anything that they want to be, so why are people afraid to be themselves?