In many countries women are not granted the right to an education due to poverty. In many cases women are viewed as housewives. They marry at a yo...
An issue that needs no introduction, yet also needs to be taken more seriously
We are proud to be Americans, proud to promote our ideas and values to every corner of the globe. Yet, so many of us believe that we are entitled t...
Global Warming is a problem all around the world and the U.S. should be the first to set a solution for it. We need to be the example for others.
We have been constantly polluting our planet for many, many, years, and if we don't change our ways of life soon, we will be forever changing the p...
Our next president needs to deal with global poverty issues
Global warming is a big issue now a days. This Article will explain how and why it effects us today.
Trust me, global warming is real...
Everyone knows anything Coldplay touches is sub-par, so why would you let their frontman organize a music festival?
This letter is how college tuition around the world should be lowered. College education shouldn't be this high of a price.
Wait for it...Wait for it...Bam, and Global Warming has just ruined everything.
The consequences of climate change and why we need a solution
As Pollution rates increase, our world decreases. Stop global pollution and keep our world.
No one should be insidiously wealthy and over fed when they're are people starving and homeless.
Climate Change has become an issue and is causing many effects.
Poverty has been going around all around the world. The United Kingdom is trying to improve their ways to put a stop to poverty.
This letter is about the escalating problem of Global Warming. Global Warming is a rising problem, in this letter, I talk about what's causing Glob...
Global warming is something real, we shouldn't be looking it as something small. We are just making it worse for our planet. Something small from e...
The lack of access to water and proper sanitation endangers the lives of many African communities.
Ocean Pollution is a real problem and is caused in large part by agricultural run-offs. Something needs to be done to regulate or prevent agricultu...
Global Warming is a big part of the problem with our modern world. How can you help us?
Climate Change is an increasingly prevalent issue, both within the US and globally. Without immediate action, global warming will wreak unchecked d...
Education in general is important. Women's education is severely undervalued compared to a man's education. Come find out the consequences of not g...
Climate change is a major issue on the cusp of plaguing our planet with ruin and it is about time someone began addressing it seriously.
This letter to the future president addresses his/her responsibility on fighting the War on Terrorism
Climate change is real.
Refugees are coming into America, but is how we're bringing them in safe?
global warimg is destroying our planet by the day and is getting worse and something needs to be done about it asap
Climate change is an issue that will not only affect us, but especially the generations after us. The rising global surface temperatures and the de...
Global warming is a huge problem, everywhere, on our Earth. It has hurt many people already, and many more to come, if we don't do something about ...
Climate change is a massive problem; coral reefs are dying, areas across the world areas are facing droughts, the sea levels are constantly rising ...
Save our planet future POTUS.
Climate Change exists and we need to find a solution to it before it is too late.