Should the Government be allowed to restrict information that is deemed "threatening" to the government?
A look at the issues of depression and the way the young youth are disciplined and parented.
Right to bear arms and government responsibility to regulate sales
Police brutality needs to stop because it is wrong, and innocent people are dying just because of the color of their skin.
We need to keep our beaches clean.
homework should stay at school and not come home.
I argue for the president to pass legislation that encourages but regulates human genetic engineering in order to create a better future for humani...
Becoming a U.S. Citizen shouldn't be so difficult, but it is due to the lengthy wait time, monetary and personal cost, and the fact that most immig...
I believe we need some change in the criminal justice system for a better society.
It is critical that we work to build the relationship between Law Enforcement and black communities.