Periods 1 and 3.
What should be done with wages is a very two sided issue. Many families need more than what's currently the minimum, but individuals don't need muc...
Green energy can help the world become a better place. A cleaner and safer place for future generations.
Students have to wake up very early and rush to get to school on time.
Racial Discrimination Against Hispanics Plagues Our Nation.
Homework is always stressing kids out and i want to put a stop to it.
Dear President Donald Trump, I am a Boy Scout, and as you may know, the Scouts offer a lot of outdoor activities, from camping, to whitewater river...
Kids should be able to work
Why we should resolve the Syrian conflict
Keeping the Con
Suicide rates need to be reduced.
Homework can help a student academically, but the negative effects of it can affect kids in a bad way.
Recycling is one of the most ignored topics there is, so why don't we do something about it?
Kids these days are in need of money and experience with real world interactions. Nothing can help more than jobs for teenagers.
Homework is a normal, everyday thing for most students, but is it healthy?
LGBT+ children are forced to go through conversion therapy but why? What does it do to the child? Is it Constitutionally correct?
So many reports of police brutality have been filed, so why aren't we doing something about it?
Our national parks need your help.
I explain the horrible consequences of global warming.
13.1 million children throughout the United states are dealing with starvation everyday. Our future generation lies in our hands, we need to help s...
There is a nation-wide problem with homework.
"Pollution is slowly killing our home. We don't notice that our everyday activities is creating lots of harm into this environment. Whether people ...
Fake news is spreading fast due to people on fake news websites and social media.
There are individuals out there with out a home and with a slim chance of ever having a home.
Kids start underage drinking at the age of thirteen. This is a problem that is happening world wide. Underage drinking can cause alcohol problems i...
A war, its effects, and how we, together, can put an end to it.
Drugs are like a virus in this country, spreading from person to person with no intent on stopping.
Something so important our lives would be ruined without, has its own price tag, health.
College tuition is exorbitant, and causes many problems for students, potential or enrolled.
This letter to the president will talk about how transgenders do not have enough equal rights and how it is not enforced. Trans people get discrimi...
How did Black Lives Matter come to be, and how is it affecting our nation?
The average American class size is growing every year as thousands of teachers are laid off. These classes need to shrink and the teacher populatio...
Obamacare has created very many problems, and our next president should fix it.
Overall, animal testing is something that the future president will face, and he/she must do something about it. Animals are harmed and killed ever...
In recent years the United States military has received limitations in spending in multiple departments of the military making it weaker, putting h...
Cyber Security needs to be improved
Pollution is clouding up our country.
Many things happen that we need to help out as much as we can.
Anxiety becomes a disorder or a mental problem if it starts to rule your life and affect your responses to different stimuli.
Making foreign policy less foreign
As the dust settles, more issues are revealed.
Children should be getting some of their education from the outdoors.
Global Warming is an issue that we can't avoid; but exactly what is global warming and how bad is it?
No child's brain is the same, yet schools teach every kid the same curriculum the same way.
LGBT+ is either where you agree, disagree, or you're indifferent. But how does the LGBT+ community feel when you don't agree?
I think that abortion should be kept legal for several well thought out reasons, mostly for the woman's health.
Planned Parenthood should be funded.
Global warming.
Global warming will someday make earth unbearable to live on
It's something we should all have and give.
Why you, Mr trump should switch America to nuclear power.
Putting an end to an atrocious practice.
People being bullied on appearnce.