American Lit.
The terrible use of yellow #5 food dyes in the U.S.A
I am writing about the issue of guns in the United States.
My letter is on the sexist dress codes in schools and how they body shames girls, and perpetuate rape cultue.
Animal cruelty is wrong, and should have a more serious punishment for those who abuse animals.
In this letter, I talk about what should be done with gun control including regulations and what should need to occur to get certain weapons and id...
Ocean pollution is a problem that we need to fix to save our marine life and us.
I'm writing about how America is in dept and the people who are as well having trouble paying the taxes
Poverty has been going around all around the world. The United Kingdom is trying to improve their ways to put a stop to poverty.
I think the Death Penalty should be abolished.
What needs to be done about child abuse and the abusers, and the possible escalation number from 1990.
There should be no curfews in all cities in the United States
Some things that could be fixed on how the immigration system is today.
Puerto Rico is begging for economic help from the United State government.
Cosmetic animal testing is cruel and wrong.
Animal testing is a terrible act and must stop.
I am writing about police brutality and how it is wrong.
I am writing about how owners badly abuse their pets and that we should do something about it.
This letter is about child abuse. and what needs to be done
This letter is about what I feel should be done for immigrants, when they come the United States.
I think college should be made more affordable throughout the United States. So many people are in debt and it needs to be dealt with.
I wrote this letter to try and convince you to abolish the death penalty.
Why marijuana should be legalized in the United States
My Letter is about how police brutality is a problem and suggestions on hoe to fix it.
This letter is going to be about pet owners that own a pet and abuse them every day, this letter is going to prove that animal abuse is wrong.
This article is about how I believe that individuals should be educated more on abortion.
This is a letter that talks about problems of Bullying and how to prevent it.
America should mandate that all public schools hire a child psychologist to evaluate children in grade Kindergarten, 4th, 8th, and 12th. This will ...
This is a letter about my problem with crime.
My letter is about the death penalty on why we should not have it.
Letter to the next president of the United States of America.
I think the death penalty should abolished in all states because its a waste of money and a waste of time that doesn't serve justice for the victim...
Fracking destroys are planet.
Examples of discrimination against Lgbt people in the United states will be shared and so will some ways to start fixing the problem
This letter is about putting an end to animal cruelty.
This letter is about gender inequality and how it is a probelm and that our future president should fix.
This letter is about the issue of police brutality. It gives reasons on why this issue is so important right now and how to fix it.
Immigration laws need to be made more leniant to become legal.
Women of all races should be paid as much as men.
This letter is about getting more laws on guns, so the gun violence decreases.
I am writing about how we should have less strict gun control laws
This police brutality needs to be stopped in this country. But what shoud we do about this?
Stop sending air strikes in the Middle East because it kills more civilians than terrorists
This article is about animal abuse.
child abuse is a very important thing that needs to be taken seriously.
i think people should have a fair thing when coming to immigration people shouldn't get hurt or even bullied about it
This letter is concerning the issues of the death penalty
Cosmetic Animal Testing is, unfortunately, still a common practice in the beauty industry. It is not nessassary, effective, or moral and I believe ...