The children of our nation are confined to certain education standards based on skin tone or socioeconomic status. It is up to the next president t...
Discrimination is a major problem in the US that causes violence, and even death.
Love is love. It's as simple as that.
Discussion on Pollution of the Great lakes and how everyday people can do their part to help
The title of a song by The Notorious B.I.G. 1997. Even though this just a song, it is true. Our Congress waste money we sometimes don't even have,...
I am writing this letter to talk about the array thing that is animal cruelty.
Global Warming is a problem all around the world and the U.S. should be the first to set a solution for it. We need to be the example for others.
Let's expose America's biggest issue that affects everyone, and needs to be talked about.
Climate change is a serious threat to future generations of humans worldwide.
This letter is to express concern of the topic of immigration, and things to consider before taking any major action.
The every day struggles that people in the black community go through.
In my letter I am going to write about equal pay between male and female athletes.
Dear future president....
This shows the how our country needs to improve in the aspects of control to prevent further internal issues.
College affordability is a top concern for Cyncere Perston, who is working as hard as possible to earn scholarships for college and hopes the next ...
This video to the president is about how he/she should run this president to make it strive.
The citizens of the United States expect a great president to exemplify us. To achieve this their are certain expectations the president must reach.
Protecting animals is important.
Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
The debt of the U.S.
We need to raise our cyber defenses in government and the private sector to make attackers work harder to breach our systems.
This issue is on racism. Racism is a big issue here in the U.S. and it needs to be resolved. This video give a lot of information on the issue that...
Poverty is something that effects far to many people in our country, and around the world. We have the money and the resources, so we should be hel...
This video explains why the next president should prioritize college tuition fees and make higher education free.
The purpose in the inform the future president about Genetically Modified Food and why they should be labeled.
This letter provides evidence that racism still exists in America.
Animals need to be treated the same. Animal Abuse needs to stop NOW!!
When you enter office, remember to stay humble, stay assertive, and do not became the power hungry monster the citizens fear.
Our future president should make the general public aware of this impending issue and it's effects on our environment.
Homelessness is an important issue that defines our nation and we should take this situation into consideration.
As a young black male, Mark Jackson worries about police violence every day. He hopes the next president will bring more accountability to the nati...
This video goes into depth about how declining bee population and colony collapse disorder affects our lives. It also dwells on ideas for the Pres...
With all being said, immigration is a good thing for America, but it can lead to many controversial things. Healthcare should be lowered for all ci...
The privacy of the Internet is importent
Abortion should be stopped.
With lower tuition it could take burdens off the already busy life of college students.
Feeling belittled by a individual who feels they are in high society. In my poem video, it talks about how people feel toward this "high and mighty...
It talks about what the situation is and why it's important.
Texas student Aoife Khan feels the new state law allowing guns on Texas college campuses makes students less safe and wants gun control to be a maj...
A little bit about possible solutions to police brutality.
Gun control is important in our country, and there are many different views on this issue. Guns can put us in danger, but also how guns ultimately ...
Abortion can be a pretty tough topic to tackle, considering how touchy it is. Here I discuss the rationale that states there is no need for social ...
Out of all my my research on this topic between the two candidates, I could hardly find any sources for Donald Trump. It's almost as he has avoided...
Future scientist Anna Chobanoff wants to see the nation's next leader make climate change a priority.
Climate Change is often an ignored part of current issues. It may not seem as important as economy or immigration, but it is just as if not more im...
Dear Next President: Will you make policy decisions to renew our planet? Or will you keep serving selfish needs? The time for action is now. Listen...
When is the hatred going to stop
This letter was created to express my concern about the current US relation with North Korea. Another concern is the situation of North Korea posse...
Everyone deserves a chance
We all deserve equal rights and protection.
Even though gun control is supposed to help protect us, it actually increases harm and dangers to the people in our society.
The cops can't protect the people by killing the people, and the people can't expect the cops to stop killing people if we keep killing each other....
Sexual assault is something that needs a more serious punishment. The person who is getting arrested for sexual assault on average only spends a ye...
The United States' education system is disastrous.
People buy animals and put them in kennels all day and don't feed them or take care of them, but just forget about them.
We need to fix how much college costs
Taking the life of a fetus is morally wrong and should be illegal.
Guns aren't a bad thing. Keeping gun rights is important and understanding why is even more important. People need to know what good things firearm...
This poem is about the wars America has been involved in. These wars effect us still today in one way or another.
One of the most important issues in the United States today is income inequality between men and woman.
Women and men should be treated equally and paid equally too.
Dear Next President, I am a high schoo...
Geneva VanHorn draws upon personal experience in calling for more support to prevent and address homelessness in our communities.
These are my reasons why I think that the government should stop funding Planned Parenthood.
Police Brutality has gotten out of hand. Help me try to stop it.
Why are we treated so differently?
Martita Ureño de Arias wants the next president to understand the impact of divisive language and work to stop children from being judged by the co...
We hope our video and website raises awareness about child hunger and what we can do to end it.
Dear Next President, I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential ele...
What America needs is smarter gun control laws. Not less, not more.
The police are here to protect us not kill us.
We've all heard of racism and know that it's a big issue, but when are we going to face it?
Short Video to Next President
Donald Trump has never served in public so it is difficult to find any information on Trump’s views on animal rights. Donald Trump’s sons recentl...
Letters to Future President
Talking about school safety and how we can keep schools safe.
This nation of immigrants is plagued by an epidemic.
The reasons why global warming should be fixed so that life on this planet will be better.
Illegal Immigrants come to the U.S for a better job or to have a better life.
The police are good people. It doesn’t make sense that a person would die for someone they hate. They give their life for us, for our freedom. They...
We should have more youth centers in Los Angeles where kids can come and feel safe.
With immigration in the news, I interviewed my mother about my grandmother's immigration story from the Dominican Republic.
I think we should study more on if milk is actually healthy for children. Schools give there students milk and tell them its healthy for you. Is it...
We need to improve our public schools.
This letter was written to address the current problem that is the Islamic State (ISIS), a group bent on terrorism out of the middle east, and ask ...
Most ocean pollution is a result of polluted runoff water draining into the ocean. Human waste is also a cause of ocean pollution.
Nick DeRitis has watched the price of college tuition triple in recent years. He hopes the next president will prioritize affordable higher educati...
Keeping gun control the same
The United States of America does not need to raise its Minimum Wage to $15.00 dollars and hour, It will only hurt us more!
In this letter I will explain the issues America faces with police brutality
Students ask what the next president will do for equality for minorities, females and those a part of the LQBT community.
Tuition should be a gift from the government.
Dear Next President, I am a high school student from CA. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential election is...
Black Lives Matter doesn't just relate to police killings. It also extends to education opportunities for Black youth. Focusing on All Lives Matter...
"They are expected to be content with what they have and trained to not question why they are faced with impossible circumstances, while others are...
All lives matter all diferent kinds of people ALL LIVE MATTER.