There should be no exemptions to vaccines. If there were no exemptions many deaths could be prevented.
The future president needs to have specific qualities in order for our country to function correctly.
If the government would legalize and tax on marijuana, would the public be better off? Yes. It would.
This shows the how our country needs to improve in the aspects of control to prevent further internal issues.
In this video I will discuss the reasons why standardized testing doesn't benefit a student's learning.
Please bring back justice the death penalty.
Families and people in the Lgbt community should be treated just as "normal" people.
In my letter I am going to write about equal pay between male and female athletes.
Dear the next president, This country needs a president who can lead America to a better position than it's already in. This means you must posse...
The qualities our future president should have to make a good impact on our nation.
The police are here to protect us not kill us.
With a select percentage of people in the planet living in excess and prosperity, why must people suffer or earn their right to food, water, and sh...
Education in America isn't what it used to be.
The citizens of the United States expect a great president to exemplify us. To achieve this their are certain expectations the president must reach.
The cost of college is a topic that is very important to me and I think that if the cost of college is lowered a burden will be lifted off so many ...
Testing doesn't show everyone's strengths, it shows everyone's weaknesses.
Video letter about the problem of the cost of college
A video about racial discrimination.
Many people spend all of their days at school, and the pressure being put on them has increased greatly in the past couple of years. I believe some...
This nation of immigrants is plagued by an epidemic.
What can the next President do to support tax reform and legislation that will support small businesses and working class families instead of the w...
Keeping gun control the same
Unclean unsafe water is an issue in Africa. Will you do anything to prevent this issue?
In my letter to the next president, I would like the next president to work on college tuition being so costly.
I believe the second amendment is important and needed. If it is taken, then we lose a great and important part of the United States.
Abortion can be a pretty tough topic to tackle, considering how touchy it is. Here I discuss the rationale that states there is no need for social ...
I believe that a good president should be honest.
The Transgender bathroom situation is an unfair system that doesn't help anyone, I think it should be fixed and I have a solution to fix it.
Dear Next President: Will you make policy decisions to renew our planet? Or will you keep serving selfish needs? The time for action is now. Listen...
The qualities, traits, and actions that our next president must demonstrate and possess, and how they can be a great leader in today's society.
This letter is to express concern of the topic of immigration, and things to consider before taking any major action.
We need justice for native americans
The United States' education system is disastrous.
Sacred water of the Sioux Tribe
There are many places all over the world that are in poverty and we can't over look this issue. We need to all join together and address this probl...
No one has helped blacks at all but looks at us to help them win elections and become the leader of America.
On police brutality and why it needs to stop and how to stop it.
Philadelphia resident Anthony Rivera addresses both presidential candidates through a spoken word poem, asking them to address the poverty he sees ...
Out of all my my research on this topic between the two candidates, I could hardly find any sources for Donald Trump. It's almost as he has avoided...
Climate change is a serious threat to future generations of humans worldwide.
College tuition is too high
Short Video to Next President
A thirteen-year-old Mexican girl was raped by her uncle and was refused an abortion. Abortions are illegal in Mexico unless someone is raped. ...
This video demonstrates the real life struggles that many immigrants have before coming to the United States and how they aren't a detriment to thi...
My letter expains the injustice we do to our teachers through their lack of pay. They provide so much for everyone else, so it's our chance to prov...
This letter to the next president is to state theat the usage of drugs among teenagers should be addressed and monitored.
Every day a student is bullied, a person is fired from their job, or even kicked out of their home. Why you may ask? For the sole reason of being ...
A metaphor of gun violence in our country. Mass shootings keep occurring...and we keep ignoring them. You need to take action before you find yours...
Letter To Next President
Letter To Next President -Matthew L.
Homelessness is an important issue that defines our nation and we should take this situation into consideration.
Most ocean pollution is a result of polluted runoff water draining into the ocean. Human waste is also a cause of ocean pollution.
Defeat terrorist cells across the world instead of allowing them to come to our land and kill civilians.
Dear future president, If you value your way of life then I suggest you listen. Climate change isn't a question about your kids or grand kids any...
Raising the questions for minority history in classrooms.
This is a letter about how the trans person has trouble in life and how the President can help fix it.
This is a letter on how gun violence affects our community.
I think we should study more on if milk is actually healthy for children. Schools give there students milk and tell them its healthy for you. Is it...
In my letter, I address the need of domestic aid and how our nation should cut down on foreign aid
Marijuana legalization is a very large step to educating people about the reality of life.
We are expected to get a job after college to set us up for the rest of our lives, but how can we go to college if we as Americans, cannot afford i...
A short video on racism.
Women are treated unequally, and that needs to change, plain and simple. In our country, women have to cope with sexism everyday; this issue needs ...
This video letter expresses my many concerns about our country's future.
Taking the life of a fetus is morally wrong and should be illegal.
The title of a song by The Notorious B.I.G. 1997. Even though this just a song, it is true. Our Congress waste money we sometimes don't even have,...
A short video letter about immigration.
Dear next president, i am a high school student fro California. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential elec...
Guns aren't a bad thing. Keeping gun rights is important and understanding why is even more important. People need to know what good things firearm...
Abortion should be stopped.
Dear Donald Trump, The LGBT community has been given the very basic right to marry, but there is still so much more to be done. This letter highlig...
This video is a cry to help for to Hillary Clinton. We need change. This goes for all the social injustice going on in America today, from the 60s ...
A woman's right to choose.
With immigration in the news, I interviewed my mother about my grandmother's immigration story from the Dominican Republic.
Americans need someone that can be an amazing leader that everyone looks up to.
The United States of America does not need to raise its Minimum Wage to $15.00 dollars and hour, It will only hurt us more!
Josh Brockett wants to be free to achieve his goals without the financial burden of student debt.
A short video on the high cost of college.
Your racist and sexist policies will have negative consequences and need plenty of revision.
Mental health and addiction are two major concerns for John Diveris, who feels treatment options and over-prescription are doing nothing to help th...
There are millions of Americans who are unemployed! We need our jobs back!
September 29, 2016 Dear Future President, The President of the United States should be concerned with many issues. Towards the top of your list of ...
Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
This letter was written to address the current problem that is the Islamic State (ISIS), a group bent on terrorism out of the middle east, and ask ...
No president should be able to take our guns away, but we need to do everything we can to keep the mentaly ill and gangsters off the streets.
a short video about homelessness
This video is about how unpleasant school chairs are, and how difficult that makes learning.
Students ask what the next president will do for equality for minorities, females and those a part of the LQBT community.
Could you imagine walking outside and seeing the world dying and the air full of pollution?
As technology advances, so does our quest for morality and equality.
Nick DeRitis has watched the price of college tuition triple in recent years. He hopes the next president will prioritize affordable higher educati...
How we can cut welfare spending and put it towards growing our military.
This video letter takes a look at reasons why the next president should put an end to deportations and stop breaking up immigrant families.
This poem is about the wars America has been involved in. These wars effect us still today in one way or another.
Some classes have gone out of date.
The price of organic foods should be reduced so everyone can afford it.
Dear Future President, America is a nation full of individuals who feel like the government doesn’t do their jobs. Unfortunately, when these peop...