Honesty and not being afraid of terrorists is what we need in a President.
What we fail to do stuff as a generation. As the 21st century hit what were we like?
Abortion should be banned only up to a point.
How the president should show care and respect
Teenage mental health affecting education
I hope that these thing racial discrimination, gun control, abortion can all be fixed in the next fue years
We need to change a lot of things is our country
Our future president should be concerned with keeping everyone in line and out of danger.
Everyone is equal, and the new president needs to enforce that more strongly. Also we need to solve the whole cops and black people situation. Anot...
A suggestion list for the president and things too watch out for
Today, this issue has escalated in recent years in violence against enforcement officers, as violence committed against civilians.
Guns are very dangerous, and are being used in the wrong ways.
Blacks lives matter protesters are getting violent!
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
A overview of gun control, mental health, and hatred. The main topic: The people.
The type of leader I believe would be good for America would have to be a leader that does not hold grudges against people of different religions...
Police vs The people they sworn to protect
What I believe about the next president.
I wrote a letter on what I believe should be done in the new United States such as dealing with the group called ISIS to the income of health care
What a president should be and how they should act as they look at education, gun control, and minor group decisions.
The reward soldiers deserve
These unique and funny people deserve recognition. They provide learning possibilities and are such good people.
Although not a remake of Meghan Trainor's pop song, this letter contains ideas to consider to make a candidate fit for our nation's presidency
My letter is about how we need to pay more attention to homeless people and take action to help them out because, they need the same things as the ...
Homeless veterans is a big issue, that is important. Please support our veterans.
What I believe the next should fix.
Dear future president I think you should deal with ISIS and North Korea while in office. ISIS is growing in power they are getting more and more p...
These topics are the the most important to me and I think they need attention.
College is too expensive. If we want our future generations to be college graduates, then we need to change that.
The separation of political philosophies, and the division that causes.
My opinion on a few issues that I find very important.
War on Drugs
The media can to easily damage our society so we need to find a way to prevent them from relating anymore destruction.
Dear future president, First I'd like to congratulate you on your success in winning the election, I hope you're prepared for growing grey ha...
I want America to keep allowing immigrants in and start a new life. From the start America has been a melting pot to the world. People who wanted s...
Terrorist attacks are still happening in 2016.
In our society people get offended really quick. We need to work together to stop this problem.
Some characteristics you should have and thoughts on abortion.
What a president should be and what qualities and characteristics they should have to be the right leader for America
Abortion and police violence needs to STOP.
In this letter to the future president I talk about the looming threat of ISIS