Home is where people go to relax and spend time with their friends and family, not work. School should not follow you home and ruin your only safe ...
Terrorism is a growing problem, It is President Trumps responsibility to handle it. What will he do to fix the ongoing problem of terrorism
It is talking about why the current structure of school is designed for students to fail and not succeed.
The fight on better school lunches is a big deal. Is there anything thing you , Donald Trump can do? So that processed foods that are high in fat, ...
Education has been segregated from the start of mankind. Donald Trump is believed to support this statement.
America used to be the nation where many countries look up to for admiration so why should we be change it so that it's no longer appealing to othe...
The main idea of my paper is how gun violence is a major problem in America today and how we can fix this problem. It doesn't only affect the peopl...
Respect is one of the most important idea or theory every human in the social world should have.
The situation of immigration is at a high but we need to know how we should approach it and realize what consequences could come our action to cont...
Let's face the truth, gun control laws don't work on criminals. We need to teach our nation how to be gun safe and smart.
Immigrants have the same rights as us American people. They should get treated the same way as Americans. They only came here for better experien...
The amount of gun violence that occurs in the United States of America is outrageous. The right to have guns should be banned from USA citizens.
This topic towards you are very skewed regarding LGBTQ rights. I have heard that you like/dislike the community and I just want a direct answer and...
adding jobs to the U.S. economy should turn everything around, trump says he is going to add 25 million jobs to strengthen the economy.
Believe it or not, younger teens these days really do care about politics and what goes on with our government, but they can' affect what goes on. ...
Where is the U.S Tax money going.
The media is portraying police as the bad guys in this country, overplaying the stories that point out the far and few bad apples.
We need to reduce our carbon emissions and the only way to do this is to reduce our dependency on non-renewable resources
Mr.Trump,I have faith that if you try, you can make America great again, but I do see some minor problems that I hope you don't mind reading.
There is a problem in the U.S. involving money's role in the elections of the U.S.
Trumps ideas on making America Great again is not to bad, it is just the way he plans to do it and what he will do after it.
My feeling on your immigration policy
Everyone should realize that illegal immigration is a problem; however, some don't wish to change that, so why not make the whole system more under...
Illegal Immigration is truly an issue, but the way in which you tend to take care of it is no solution to it.
A list on why Donald Trump has no business being POTUS.
Too much homework is counterproductive on students, the overall workload shouldn't be more than 2 hours of work a night.
The reason I wrote this letter is because I like Mr. Trumps ideas on the economy and I am tired of seeing trade deals set us in a trade deficit of ...
How can we fix the problem of college minority acceptance rates in America. Everyone deserves the chance to be successful.
How the use of the words "bully" and "bullying" are causing our nation's youth to not be able to handle diversity and climb to success.
Just few suggestions from students who stay up late nights just to finish homework
The riots against President elect Donald J. Trump are completely unnecessary. But, if they are so unnecessary, then why are they so big right now?
School start times are adding more stress to students lives that they do not need.
The most important thing for Trump right now is him trying to be better at politics since he is good with business.
My paper was on how racism is affecting Americans and way we think about other races and causing us to think about races out of the country and how...
This is about how urgent mental illnesses are and how we as people should know that they aren't just "crazy" people, but just misunderstood.
This is about why we should get less homework to help us get better education rather than just throwing unnecessary things at us and expecting us ...
Donald Trump will be a great suitable president for this country.
My paper goes over this country's already existing issues and goes over how he can help us but with what all the people have been saying about him ...
I'am aware that immigration is a problem in America.
The reasons why the next president is a racist. To show how you do not treat every man and women equal, how you are racist toward many people.
Bryce Makau Dear Mr. Trump My parents left South Africa to relocate here in the United States. They left for better opportunities and a brighter fu...
This topic is about your racists actions towards immigrants and the way you have reacted to them.
As a new president, you must plan carefully and efficiently in order to resolve the issues in the U.S., and to make this country great again.
People have the right to bare weapons, but why is our country so violent?
The minimum wage shouldn't be raised because it does more harm than good for our country. Raising the minimum wage causes job losses, inflation, jo...
It seems that immigration has a huge impact in america today.
I have an issue that needs to be covered: the rights and treatment of my autistic brethren. We have been trampled upon because of our disabilities ...
The cost of college makes it more difficult for students to continue their education.
Every day millions of Americans use motor vehicles that run on fuel to take them any place in the country. On a monthly basis, an average American ...
My purpose for the letter is to give you an idea of what building the wall could cause and how our country could respond
Today's kids have multiple hours of homework each night and are still expected to be at school at 7 in the morning. How can we expect them to be f...
Abortion and women's rights is one of the most controversial topics right now. Defunding abortion clinics and shutting them down would be like taki...
Muslims in America are being being judged everyday and we as Americans need to come together as one to get rid of it.
Trump lacks knowledge and the ability to run for president. He has no idea what politics is actually like.
Will building the wall and mass deporting immigrants benefit or destroy the country? Will it save us money or put the country in even more debt?