Immigrants come over to America daily and not all are beneficial to the American society. I believe more regulations should be made to America's Im...
We need to let them know what they're getting themselves into and how to survive in our world.
Stricter border control should be put in place because of the many negative effects of illegal immigration.
Immigration poses a risk to Americans
How I Feel About Immigration
My views on Immigration
immigrants are not bad ...
In most communities of U.S. immigrants, specifically Mexican immigrants, are looked down upon and fear deportation.
The United States needs to help and support refugees as well as accept more of them into our country.
Ashlyn Koontz
Immigration needs to be controlled.
Slow Immigration Down
Many immigrants are refugees trying to escape a corrupt government to a place of safety and freedom.
My Views on Immigration
In my letter to you, I would like to explain the problems we have with immigrants who come over the border when they are not supposed to. They are ...
Immigration does good things for our economy.
Immigration is a problem.
Immigration is important we should find a new way to stop immigration and stop tearing families apart.We can help immigrants stay with their family...
Immigration is a very debated topic in today's world, and my belief on this is that it should be allowed with thorough checks and assistance if nee...
My opinion on immigration is that I think everyone should all have an equal opportunity to better their lives and their kids lives. The american n...
Immigration is a disdained problem in the U.S., but can also be beneficial for our economy.
Either deport illegal immigrants en masse or grant amnesty en masse - but be decisive about it.
Immigrants aren't really hurting the economy.
Is immigration good or bad for America?
October 26, 2016 ...
I think immigration in the United States is not a good thing right now, because our people need to be cared for first.
Immigration is going too far and something must be done about it soon.
I feel like immigration is bad for our country and is not fair to the American people.
we all know that immigrants aren't aliens, immigrants die trying to cross the border to give for their families a better future but immigrants end ...
Is Donald Trump right? Why do Mexicans immigrate to the U.S.?
Even though people think that illegal immigrants are bad, they do help are our economy.
Being undocumented isn't easy. Its hard to be in a world were they judge you for someone you're not. Try an imagine yourself in a immigrants shoes....
This is a letter addressing student loans being a burden to those who are in a lot of debt.Causing students of today to not even want to go college...
At the moment immigration is a very controversial topic in the United States. People just can not say immigrants are bad or good, People can not ju...
I am against immigration because immigrants are over populating the United States and are costing us to much money.
I think immigration is ok if it benefits the U.S., not just the person who is immigrating.
Immigration can be good to the United States.
Families should not have to be separated due to deportation. It causes a long lasting harming affect on a child's life.
My Perspective on Immigration
This is a discussion about the major economic and cultural benefits of immigration.
Immigrants should have the same opportunity as us who live the ''American Dream''.
Immigration education.
The future of immigration process in the United States
This is my view on immigration and what I think should be done in order to keep it under control.
My claim is that immigration is bad for our country and can be dangerous
Immigration is affecting our country in a negative way.
Immigration is becoming an issue in America.
Immigrants aren't the only thing that are hurting this country.
11/7/2016 ...
Immigration is a great thing with the right processes and opportunities, and through that we could make America great again!
My opinion on immigration might be very different from others; immigrants have a harsh life in their country and I'm hoping to show you my point of...