Keep us safe, but don't take our guns away.
The next president needs to help move legislature forward regarding gun control in the US
My letter is on gun violence. I think this is a huge issue in the world today and it has to be stopped. To many innocent people are getting killed....
Dear future president
Guns are bad. Get rid of guns.
Lighten the law by increasing background checks.
In this letter I think gun violence is a huge part in this nation problem and should be put on the next president priorities for the next 4 years.
The protection of our Second Amendment is a vital issue we face today.
Men should have more respect for women and should raise their sons to have respect too.
In my letter to the next President, I argue that gun violence and police brutality is never the right answer.
Gun violence needs to stop.
This video letter expresses my many concerns about our country's future.
We should put more laws on guns but still be able to use them for protection.
With gun control, ISIS, and other terrorism, America is slowly falling apart.
This letter is with regards to a worldwide issue...Gun Violence. I will be discussing things such as, gun violence statistics, ways to prevent gun ...
The 2nd Amendment matters.
My letter to the next president is on gun violence and taking illegal guns off the streets.
In this letter to the next president I claim that gun violence is a major issue in out world today and we need the help of our next president to ma...
My standpoint on Gun Control
Gun control is a big problem in U.S today, we need to find a solution to fix it.
This letter explains why I think that more laws should be added to stop shootings at homes, schools, neighborhoods, and so on.
This letter speaks about issues such as gun control, foreign relations and privacy specifically with emails.
This letter contains reasons why we should stop gun violence.
This letter is about how immigrants should be treated fairly. I also address the general mistreatment of P.O.C in America in general.
Homicides by guns in Philadelphia
In this letter I talk About gun Violence. This is a serious matter we need to establish.
Guns should not be used for killing for no apparent reason. Use them wisely, people have lives too.
Gun Violence is an important issue that needs to be addressed
My letter to the next president contain facts and a personal story contains to gun violence
This is about Gun violence.
In this letter, I assert that gun violence is a huge crisis in the U.S. Young teenagers (mostly African Americans), are meeting untimely deaths due...
Protect the rights of hunters.
My letter is about all the solutions that have come up to solve the immigration problem but in this letter I addressed how you can't use just one o...
The killing of Harambe and other zoo animals is a problem and change is needed
Hypocrites of our Congress have held moments of silence for the Sandy Hook School Shooting but will not do a thing about it. Kids have been shot, b...
This letter to the next president is about gun violence and gun control. And how this issue can be resovled.
Our country currently does not have enough gun control, we need to pass much more legislation prohibiting people from having guns.
In this letter to the next president I evoke the issues of police killing innocent young African Americans and the consequences of there actions ar...
Police need to be better trained to avoid shooting incident people.
Police brutality needs to be resolved quickly.
Guns should not be banned.
Gun Control is a major problem in the U.S. that needs to be thought over. Pro-gun control people want to have stricter gun laws to keep the people ...
Protecting our country from gun violence is a top priority.
We need more gun control for our safety.
I think that people with criminal records should not have guns.
This letter is talking about the importance of why gun violence is messing up our community and how dangerous it really is.
This article is about gun violence and this article should tell the next president why this should be taken in consideration.
Gun violence needs to be stopped
Since the days of the early settlers in the United States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting o...
In this letter to the Next President, Gun violence has gotten out of hand and we need to put an end to it.
Although we already have gun control, it is not strict enough. We need gun control so fewer people have access to guns and to reduce gun deaths.
My letter to the next president explains what police brutality is , how things can change, and who it affects.
In this letter to the next president, I will be arguing that gun violence need to be stopped and I will give some suggestions as to how we can fix ...
My letter to the president is talking about Gun control.
I don't want to have a future where everyone is using guns recklessly.
If we had some way of keeping guns from people who are willing to pull the trigger on someone innocent, we could keep the people of America safe.
This is a letter about gun violence in America and how dangerous people can be if guns are in the wrong hands.
Hopefully this letter to the President will have an impact on their priorities and make gun violence a first.
This Letter discusses the potential issues with the current Gun Laws
There aren't enough gun prevention laws and regulating gun control needs to be bigger in our country
There is no need to ban guns, but there are steps that could be taken to ensure America is safer.
In this letter, I assert that gun violence is a horrible and tragic problem in our country. The U.S has the most frequent deaths due to gun violenc...
Dear Next President
This letter is basically stating all of the facts about gun violence in America. It is giving some of my opinion also. Its also has some credits to...
Gun violence should be stopped.
gun control
Gun violence and terrorism are the two most severe crimes that concern me right now. This letter addresses both of these issues.
There is one topic that really catches my attention, and I hope it catches your attention too. That topic would be gun control and violence.