This letter is about whether or not the FBI should be able to access the terrorist iPhone. For this to happen Apple has to break down a way into th...
The government is robbing you of your privacy
Privacy has been a major part of many teens and young-adult's lives as newer tech is being released. It should be very important that we have decen...
Teenagers Deserve Privacy and the President should care.
There is a great deal of controversy between the political parties in America over who should be the next president. Through this controversy, many...
Privacy from the NSA
For years we've been using social media, but have you ever stopped to think that maybe someone has violated your privacy.
The FBI is allowed to access our phones at anytime!? Facebook is selling our personal information!?
Technology Privacy
Privacy is taken away with there being no barricades between urinals and this national problem must be stopped.
Hacking is bad and can happen to anyone including big companies you trust with not getting hacked. Then, they get hacked and you're like, "oh no, I...
FBI is trying to gain access to the privacy of our iPhones.
Americans trust that they have their privacy in their own home; what happens if they find out they're not even allowed that in their own home?
As a country we loose millions of dollars a year in hacks. Via government or personal security breaches.
I will be discussing about privacy rights in the digital world of the internet.
What will your impact be on the protection of your citizens' basic rights?
Security vs. Privacy