The idea of abortion is morally wrong and should be replaced with a better alternative.
This piece is about suggesting solutions for 3 major problems in the U.S.
Prisoners being released early from prison for violent or harmful offenses is a serious problem in our justice system, especially when many people ...
Capital Punishment needs to be legal in all 50 states.
A look into the increasing drug epidemic and the effects such as increased prison rates and drug related deaths.
This letter is about the unfairness of prison sentencing. I believe that it is unfair to serve major sentences to people who have only done minor ...
This letter is about what I believe should be done about crime in our country. Its a serious problem and need to be handled in a serious matter. Al...
Prison sentences should be longer because it keeps dangerous criminals off of our city streets.
Dear future President, To start off, I think...
Organs for transplant are scarce, so why is America making them even scarcer?
Discusses the pros and cons of the death penalty and why it should be abolished in the United States.
I think the death penalty should abolished in all states because its a waste of money and a waste of time that doesn't serve justice for the victim...
The death penalty does more harm than good. The government should not have the right to take a life, it is not fair to pass a flawed system. You sh...
This letter is about the non effective and economically draining death penalty system and how it needs to be reformed.
Our prisons are set up to help people. But, the way our prisons are set up, they don't actually help many convicts.
The next president, whoever it is, should just chillax and do the job.
I think the problem is that only few states have it.
The death penalty is worse than life in prison, because it isn't economically sound.
Why the death penalty should be illegal.
Death Penalty
The government is holding people in jail who should have been released years ago. One nonviolent offence should not put you away for life
To replace incarceration as a punitive measure for drug offenses with rehabilitation will reduce the holistic harm of the drug policy.
Terrorism is a big problem and should be stopped.
Problems in the United States
My letter is about the Death Penalty, and I believe that it needs to be reformed.
This letter is about, how a change with drug laws may help our country.
Why the death penalty should be more common
On how immigration is being handled and other situations
The flawed system of capital punishment in our country should be abolished because the price of one's life isn't necessary to punish someone for mu...
The death penalty has been debated for many years, and I think it is time to eliminate it officially.
The Death Penalty is Wrong
Capital Punishment should be legal in all fifty states for serial killers and crimes without explanation
The death penalty in America needs to change or be eliminated in order to make America better.
Deportation is bad for everybody. It is bad for immigrants because they're being separated from their families and it is bad for America because we...
"What purpose does the death penalty serve in a blossoming society?"
Is it really fair to kill criminals when some are proven innocent? If we kill them are we really any more morally correct than those who committed...
The Death Penalty can harm the guilty as well as the innocent. End the Death Penalty.
Prison laws and management, and crime rates are an issue because I believe that our judicial laws need to change. The laws need to be more strict, ...
The war on drugs should end because it is terrible for America and the people in it.
Just a discussion on crime in America, some suggestions to combat increasing crime rates, and making America secure and safe.
Letter To The Future President Of The United States Of America
There are too many injustices in the criminal justice system for American citizens to truly be safe.
How can the death penalty be legal in 2016?
This letter outlines the complexity of the death penalty in the U.S and why it may not be as simple as it seems it should be.
I am against the death penalty. It is cruel punishment and we should not punish murder with murder.
People buy animals and put them in kennels all day and don't feed them or take care of them, but just forget about them.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable," - John F. Kennedy. What can you do to help prevent violence in...
The death penalty should not be carried out when punishing people in the court of law. Capital punishment goes against the Eighth amendment, and be...
This letter shows the problems in the criminal justice system and how we need to change.
I discussed the opportunity optons for those who return form prison and other African Americans.
The death penalty in the United States needs to be abolished. It serves no real justice to the community. We as a country need to re-think this pun...
A few changes that can drastically improve America.
Prisons in the United States are cruel and undemocratic. They take people's votes, right to government assistance, ability to land a job, and explo...
This letter focuses upon the issues of the death penalty in America and why it should be a legal transition to punish criminals who have committed ...
California policymakers struggle to reform our system of juvenile justice.
I believe we should eliminate the Death Penalty because the Death Penalty is incompatible with human rights and human dignity, and because killing ...
This is a broken system and is cruel to those sentenced and to their families.
Immigrants should face harsher punishments.
Private prisons are bad for our country.
Please bring back justice the death penalty.
Guns keep our streets safe and should not be restricted
In our society, the harshest form of punishment is the death penalty, given as a capital punishment. But, it is immoral, expensive, and discriminat...
The War on Terror has ripped countries apart. That's why so many refugees coming here. And the death penalty could get a little better. We need ...
The death penalty has become a controversial issue in the United States. I believe that this outdated practice should be abolished forever.
A Judicial Necessity
In many cases, capital punishment is unjust because many people are falsely accused and some not treated equally due to the circumstances of how t...
About that... I would like for you to put a stop to the death penalty.
The death penalty is unfair, unconstitutional, and ineffective. This needs to change.
Reasons why Capital Punishment is wrong.
The War On Drugs has had a more negative impact than positive, and it's ruining many people's lives
We are overcrowding prisons and it very bad for the prisoners and society.
I think the death penalty should be more strict.
This letter is concerning the issues of the death penalty
The Death Penalty is a big issue and should be put in place to help prevent crime.
Is the death penalty necessary?
it not fear
The us has been "getting rid of" criminals since 1864. But now the death penalty is used to "get rid of people" who are thought to be criminals.
An argument for the abolition of Capital Punishment. It doesn't deter crime, it is expensive, and it is inhumane.
The Death Penalty should be enforced as a Federal Law in all 50 states.
My letter to the next President.
Capital punishment is just an excuse we make so that we can take revenge. Killing is a huge step backwards for mankind. Therefore, the death penalt...
We need to review the death penalty.
The Death Penalty is unconstitutional.
Illegal Immigration has affected me in several ways
Is the death penalty really an effective way to serve justice in our society?
The Death Penalty
Why we shouldn't have the death penalty.
A short explanation of the facts for gun laws and the second amendment and why it shouldn't be taken out of the constitution
Hacking is bad and can happen to anyone including big companies you trust with not getting hacked. Then, they get hacked and you're like, "oh no, I...
My letter is on the death penalty, and what should be done about it.
My opinion about the death penalty.
Crime has become a really huge problem in the U.S. and i feel like something needs to be done about the problem.
In the U.S. right now, criminals are on death row, awaiting execution. I'm here to explain on why the death penalty is wrong and unconstitutional, ...
The lack of the death penalty and increasing crime rate are issues that need attention. Crime rates in the last ten years have decreased, but not ...
This letter is about the Death Penalty and the allowance of Guns in Classrooms
The issues of marijuana, private prisons, and higher education will face your administration in the upcoming years.
Death penalty is inhumane.
I'm writing about death penalty sentence because people who get it might have not done the crime.