Cyber Bullying is ruining kids lives. Many people don't understand how harmful it actually is.
Students would benefit from having tablets.
Coal was our power source for many of years why would we change it. If it isn't broken why would we fix it.
I think kids need more iPads and Laptops in school.
One of the issues that concerns me most is climate change.
This is a letter about the current flaws for technology in transportation and what needs to be fixed and how it could.
Readily available technologies are not being supported, and it's become a very urgent issue. All that we need to solve the problem is a little bit ...
Problems facing public schools in the United States Today
Terrorism is one of the most difficult problems experienced worldwide. It takes a lot of courage, strength and a passion for the United States in o...
Texting while driving laws should be more enforced because it distracts the driver and puts lives at risk.
Technology is the solution to many things including our education.
Students need technology in their school to be ready for the real world.
Education has supposedly helped students get jobs, and prepare them for college, but it needs to do an update on it's material.
Schools need a change, students need a push.
Persuasive letter to the next President to better fund technological infrastructure in schools and school districts.
NASA isn't getting the funding it deserves lets fix this
Phones, tablets, laptops, MACs, PCs. There are so many ways that we connect with each other and the internet. But what is the effect of increasing ...
Some people believe that climate change is not a problem. However, the truth is that it’s worse than you think. If we do not stop burning fossil fu...
Our health and climate is declining, even though America is increasing its use of renewable energy. We are breathing in harmful chemicals that we s...
I'm wondering if are new President of the United States of America will be allowing or Prohibiting this use of Genetic Engineering. Also if they ar...
Persuasive letter to the next President urging to fund for technology in schools
We have a limited amount of resources in the world and we are running low and it is a big problem who want to drink dirty water or unclean air that...
I argue for the president to pass legislation that encourages but regulates human genetic engineering in order to create a better future for humani...
This letter takes an in-depth look at why both the government and people need to work to understand AI and why it is crucial for not just politics,...
How should we deal with the growing artificial intelligence.
Ever since public funding was cut from colleges, the cost of college has risen up to $40,000. If we add technology into schools by having online bo...
I believe that something should be done about climate change.
I believe that tablets are much more efficient than textbooks.
Please fight against climate change
It's cheaper and more efficient, and it prevents carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
A letter that addresses the fight against technology, the war against Generation Z, and the statistics to support a revolution.
The federal government should fund technology in the classroom.
The government of the USA needs to increase science funding for its military modernization, energy research, and computer sciences to keep up with ...
For students, textbooks are too heavy to carry around and are soon outdated. With tablets, all the same information and more is available without t...
The use of fossil fuels has been damaging this world, and with complete certitude, I believe that we will have to do something to fix our ways.
As technology advances, so does our quest for morality and equality.
Everyone is treating technological advances like an international race. As a result, curriculums are teaching new generations, lacking knowledge th...
I am against pro textbooks.
If the schools allowed more funding for technology... the world would be a better place.
Privacy has been a major part of many teens and young-adult's lives as newer tech is being released. It should be very important that we have decen...
Issue to be addressed: Cyberbulling and the misuse of social media in the adolescent community.
Americans trust that they have their privacy in their own home; what happens if they find out they're not even allowed that in their own home?
The uses of tech can go far, but are we using it too often?
Ms.Dickerson Class of 2018
We are slowly destroying our earth with pollution, so why not stand up and make a change to fix it.
The current presidential Administration has put a heavy emphasis on STEM education. It is believed that STEM education is essential for our countr...
Green energy can help the world become a better place. A cleaner and safer place for future generations.
Pro Tablets and Con Textbooks
Social media norms and the freedoms on social media that teens experience.
We need to switch to renewable sources of energy if we want to survive, and thrive, in 2050 and beyond.
Technology is very useful in society today, but is it helping us more that it is hurting us?
Technology Privacy
I am for cell phones.
Technology addiction is the new OD of the modern era. Is it hurting you more than you realize? This letter will address the issues of technology an...
This letter is about solar power, how it affects the environment and the good things of solar panels.
As president it is imperative that you pass regulations and acts to help combat global warming.
In this letter, I am addressing why tablets should replace textbooks in classroom learning.
Textbooks vs Tablets
In order for humanity to thrive, finding and using renewable energy sources is a must.
Hacking is bad and can happen to anyone including big companies you trust with not getting hacked. Then, they get hacked and you're like, "oh no, I...
technology can be helpful, but it can be dangerous.
The School System from one hundred years ago is no different from today's School system.
The lack of technology is bad in classrooms today.
The copyright laws we have right now needs changes.
Renewable energy for America can mean saving the environment and creating money. Yet, how can we balance our need to go green and our need to keep ...
Internet surveillance is an invasion of privacy and a violation of human rights.
Will we eventually have to resort to Communism?
Coal is a polluting form of energy, but now still millions of people use coal to make energy because it is cheap. But it makes a lot of carbon diox...
Lets make technology cheaper for everyone who cant afford it.