We are trashing Earth to the point where it is no longer tolerable. This needs to stop.
Minimum wage should not be raised for many, many reasons.
What happened to our Earth?
Negative impacts of factory farming and how every aspect of our Earth and community is harmed.
The rich aren't paying there taxes putting large amounts of stress for the lower 99% and they have to much influence in the government making it ve...
We must penalize ransom payers, due to them being the finance for pirates
As Pollution rates increase, our world decreases. Stop global pollution and keep our world.
Paper cups, aluminum cans, and soda rings lay scattered on coasts and in forests. They kill the wildlife living among them. 100,000 animals die pri...
We need to change this current system or America will become bankrupt and what kind of a future would we have then?
The destruction us as humans are poses to our environment can no longer be ignored, and ridiculed in politics. Global Warming is a serious issue an...
Despite the skepticism of many, the impact of climate change cannot be denied. We must get serious about counteracting the effect of climate chang...
We have one earth and we need to take care of it.
Start thinking about you and your family. By doing something good, don’t expect to be paid same way back.
Carbon dioxide is affecting the planet.
Ocean Pollution is a real problem and is caused in large part by agricultural run-offs. Something needs to be done to regulate or prevent agricultu...
Blighted buildings need to be repurposed to help with the economy and create a healthier environment. Not too many people take care of abandoned st...
Switching our energy use from fossil fuels would reduce the amount of fossil fuels burned, which would in turn reduce our pollution and carbon outp...
Please don't let our species go extinct.
Dear next president, you’ve got a lot of work to do. With America’s economy suffering, crime rates increasing, and government facing constant criti...
Global warming is a huge problem, everywhere, on our Earth. It has hurt many people already, and many more to come, if we don't do something about ...
This letter is about the escalating problem of Global Warming. Global Warming is a rising problem, in this letter, I talk about what's causing Glob...
If we don't find a solution now the damage will already have been dealt.
What are you going to do to save our environment?
I am a 17-year-old student from Utah who believes that we need to find a solution to climate change. I believe if we all truly work together, we wi...
We need to keep the world healthy.
Securing Americas borders is a very serious problem that we have today, not from incoming immigrants but from outgoing jobs. It is something that g...
My letter explains how we, as a society, are contributing to climate change and provides solutions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprint.
Our economy is in trillions of unsalvagable debt. How will you overcome this without ruining our nation?
Trust me, global warming is real...