The movement towards furthering pro-choice policies in the United States is one that should not be overlooked.
Many people today are not able to attend college because they are not able to afford it. With education being such an important thing in our societ...
Asian students face racism in schools.
Not having enough male African American teachers impacts students future and career. Schools should be more diverse, and equal rights for all stude...
College Costs and Security
Education is important for everyone. Not just the rich or the poor, but for everyone.
Money = Education
My letter will talk about the cost of college, why it's a problem, and the law that should be enforced to resolve this issue.
This letter talks about our education system, and what we can do to make things better.
Too much homework is counterproductive on students, the overall workload shouldn't be more than 2 hours of work a night.
High cost of tuition
We need healthy nutritious lunches
This letter exlpains the problems with college tuition and includes why is needs to be less expensive.
Schools should enact policies to help prevent, and hopefully end, bullying.
Many college students are incapable of living on their own at college because high schools throughout the country do not fully prepare them for the...
Free College
The decline of funding for education has become a serious problem in America.
We should make college more affordable so that we can increase the number of skilled workers in our country.
Our country should improve education on this topic.
The importance of affordable education for students of Louisiana
College tuition keeps rising and its becoming a bigger problem.
Free college: a realistic plan that stimulates the economy and supports Americans' right to an education.
Every year more and more people end up in debt for the simple act of seeking an education. They are in this debt because of college costs.
The price of college is way too expensive for students fresh out of high school.
I hope you will consider passing a bill for all the states to require a program for free community college for all the states, or some sort of prog...
The United States' education system is disastrous.
Do you want a job when you're older? Your kids to be safe? A house to raise your family in? With Illegal Immigration some of these things may not b...
Parents and teachers have been at war over whether students should or shouldn’t wear uniforms.
The cost of higher education is a burden for many people in the United States, and should be changed in order to allow people to explore better opp...
Students and families aren't able to afford education because of how expensive it is.
School lunches should have larger portion sizes.
Schools have specific dress codes that are always directed to girls and it automatically sexualizes them.
The cost of college for students is way too high, and needs to be lowered to help students receive the supplies necessary to apply them self in sch...
What is a common theme you see among what parents, coaches, teachers, and other adults who care about you? Easy, they all want to see you succeed. ...
Free education
College debt and how it is effecting the youth of America.
Numerous amount of students today plan on attending college after graduating high school, but some students such as those with low-income, may not ...
A brief synopsis on the poison of standardized testing and why it is necessary to reduce their confluency in America.
The wage cuts upon teachers.
Cross state competition in teachers pay is leading to discrepancies in teacher quality in lower socio economic levels causing teachers and students...
Teenage mental health affecting education
Lower income students are being educated in schools with poor conditions and it has a terrible effect on their learning.
Why do I work so hard to pay for college, when all of my hard work will barely pay for a year of college?
A look at why standardized testing is not at the heart of a quality education.
A letter explaining why schools need more funding to help with our international education standing
Children who attend low-income schools are not getting equal educations.
Many other countries have strong programs that allow students to get education beyond high school. America needs reform to advance in education.
No human life should be taken.
Not everybody has the money to put their kids into college, or no one wants to be paying of there debt for 20 or more years. Also stress and anxiet...
Books are being banned for terrible reasons, and something needs to be done about it!
The United States is a place for opportunity and a place for everyone to share their ideas. By having education as a major building block, you can ...
This is a letter discussing the concerning issue of college affordability.
I will be talking to you about the disadvantages of college financing. once you read this you will know the truth about college education expense. ...
More government involvement in the physical conditions of public schools in America
College tuition is too expensive for students who are willing to attend but can not afford.
There are many different controversies that find themselves in our world today. There are so many topics that deserve the attention and care of the...
Shall we Americans have the right to bear arms?
The next president must address the cost of higher education because millions of students all over the U.S. are struggling with student debt during...
This is an average L.A. high school student's point of view on our current education system.
The public schooling in America needs to change because it is not effective and has many flaws, such as homework for a lot of students and also no...
As difficult as it is for poor people to start and finish college, the current school system only drives them further into failure. We need everyon...
This article expains on how many students need to have a better education and today how focusing is difficult.
Our education plays a big factor in what we will do, who we will meet, and who we will become. Therefore, we need to have a good education system. ...
Video letter about the problem of the cost of college
A look at the impact of the higher cost of a college education.
The issue of education is important because kids have to have education in order to succeed in the future.
Student should not have homework
We need to limit how much college is.
I want to be able to have the future President of America acknowledge this letter to improve our education
The United States should adopt many of the same measures that other countries have successfully employed in order to slow the dropout crisis.
School schedules leave students tired, hungry, and inept.
Education can be a problem in the U.S here are some ways you can fix it.
Higher Education needs to be lowered in the United States
If you have a Ferrari would you put the cheapest fuel into it? Would you just leave it sitting in your parkway? We all have an exotic vehicle and ...
we need to learn to love.
We need to improve our public schools.
The issue of education is important it help us to build opinion and have points of view on things in life, also it help who wants learn something a...
College tuition is the main reason many can't go to college. It's overpriced.
what are you going to do for us?
We cant succeed in life if there is no way to afford the education that is necessary.
In the United States, the sex education we have for adolescents can be remodified to be ideal and more effective than the one we have today.
Sex ed should be added to daily education. Because there is such a large percentage of under age pregnancies, HIVS/STDS etc.
Religion is a part of life; it's everywhere you go, whether you acknowledge it or not. It deserves a chance in public schools.
A letter to the future president regarding the celebration of Columbus day, and its negative effects on our definitions of "hero" and "monster", o...
More after school activities
College Tuition is too high and prevents high school students from being successful in life and becoming important people.
The price of college tuition compared to the average income is insane to see and needs to be changed.
A dive into why free public college for everyone would be an economic disaster.
I belive the next president needs to address the cost of public universities.
Many students can't go to college because of the high tuition.
Cheaper prices
College prices have increased to a point that it is too expensive for many students. Therefore, the President should help our students be able to r...
A college degree is a necessity to survive in today's world, but why does it cost so much to receive one?
Many students around the world are getting very stressed out about homework. Since you are the president of the United States, I hope you will unde...
You, the next president, need these characteristics to be a great president!
College costs in America need to be reduced.
Many people can't afford a college education. This effects the economy and the person's lifestyle negatively. College should be free for everyone. ...
My letter discusses the issues with both Republican Candidate Donald Trump and Democrat Candidate Secretary Hillary Clinton, immigration reform pla...
America should invest in using bilingual education to teach English to non-native learners.
In this essay i talk about how college debt. How college debt has gone up in the last couple years and why it costs so much to go to college.