Black Lives Matter doesn't just relate to police killings. It also extends to education opportunities for Black youth. Focusing on All Lives Matter...
Lowering the price of college for students via grants
Everyone is treating technological advances like an international race. As a result, curriculums are teaching new generations, lacking knowledge th...
The biggest issue in america needs to be fixed by our next president.
Start educating the children around the world who are in low poverty, because children should go to school and get educated.
Affordable Education.
Evidence and reasons of why the president should lower college tuition and debt.
Abortion is a touchy subject because of it's wide array of views that cannot necessarily be centered by any religion, race, or sexuality. It is a c...
Lowering tutiton will help more people have the chance to go to college.
Every student deserves to go to a good college but most can't afford it.
We shouldn't have standardized testing because of all the problems that it is causing. Here are ways that we can fix those problems.
A plea for help with the rising college tuition costs.
College tuition is too high; it's a stress on students to go to college and finish successfully.
The children of our nation are confined to certain education standards based on skin tone or socioeconomic status. It is up to the next president t...
Racism affects the personal and self views of children, and not only impact their view of the world, but impacts their academic drive and to do wel...
The United States' education system is disastrous.
In my letter I explain the harm of college exams and why they should be used in moderation.
I want the future president to focus on making schools affordable and equal.
This is about computers for schools and why they should have them.
People across the globe need to have access to knowledge on how they can keep our earth healthy.
I think police officers should be forced to have more education
I think that the education system in America is terrible and unfair. I think we should change what we are learning, how long we are going to school...
Some of the problems that I focus on are wages, homelessness, discrimination, global warming, and education.
College tuition needs to stop rising, so that everybody can have a bright future ahead.
How would you feel if you were rejected from a college in favor of someone less qualified? This is a reality for many Americans, and is something t...
As the price of going to college keeps rising, more and more students are getting left behind. College should be made affordable to everyone.
Most kids don’t get to decide where they go to school; it’s based on where they live or where their parents want them to go. This not only affects...
A letter to the next President from a student in the U.S.
We need healthy nutritious lunches
Students should not have to wear school uniforms
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the United States is ranked as 14 in education in the world and 7,000 students drop out ...
Views on Education
Technical classes should be a part of high school requirements to ensure the success of individuals in either higher education or technical careers...
The U.S is lacking behind in education polls and we need to fix this.
College loans are leaving millions in debt
Coming into schools, most students feel as if they are not allowed to talk about their faith and what they believe. My letter to the president clea...
This is a letter to the president about our school's grading systems worldwide.
Revolutionizing education.
College Tuition is creating an uncrossible gap in education between the poor and the rest of society.
College tuition has always been a constant struggle for our generation. We need to make the price realistically affordable.
The school lunch program should provide higher quality meals.
The price of college is way too much. this letter is for lowering college prices.
In the United States, many look to higher education as a way to build their futures, yet all too many dreams are never brought to fruition due to e...
High college tuition prices are hurting our present and soon, our future.
Education in general is important. Women's education is severely undervalued compared to a man's education. Come find out the consequences of not g...
Why adults believe teenagers are a plague to society, and why this needs to change.
My essay is about school shooting and how it has greatly impacted out community today.
Today, one of the most important things is education. It is key to success, lets you live a happy life, helps you do what you love to do, and it co...
The issue of education is important because there are many teenagers that deserve to have an education
This is an average L.A. high school student's point of view on our current education system.
More after school activities
Schools need a nutritionist to plan school lunches in order to make them healthier.
With the rising costs of college tuition, it's time to think about other forms of education.
Keep college in mind during this presidency and please consider my thoughts below. :-)
Education is one of the most important parts of just about every American child's life. Unfortunately, the students of today are involved in a brok...
This is a letter to the next president about how many people can't afford to go to college in this day in age.
This letter explains the huge problem of student debt and how it can be prevented for future generations.
The increasing college debt is becoming more and more stressful for students
Redos and Retakes on homework and tests are hurting to students that are going to college.
Sexual assault, drugs, and guns are very prominent in the most unexpected places. Schools. These dangerous situations are going to destroy America'...
The cost of college is rising fast, what can you do to help?
This article claims that we should upgrade the school lunch portions. Overall, they haven't changed since we were in kindergarten.
My letter is about the price of college tuition and how much higher the price is getting. You should make public colleges cost not as much, but you...
A letter by Jose pagan discussing the issue of gun violence.
Increase the cyber security of our country.
The next president should make college prices cheaper
The amount of standardized testing in our public schools has gotten out of hand. Get rid of standardized testing.
Programs in high school will help high school students discover what career path is right for them, decrease the average student debt, and help stu...
Across the world over 3.2 million people get bullied every year. Bullying is something people deal with every day.
For the good of the United States's future, the education system needs some change. Here are some ideas about what changes could be implemented and...
Our education isn't the best in the world. It affects our lives in many different ways. However, with the right idea we can make it a better opport...
Our planet is slowly dying and we need to act fast. We find that awareness is key to helping problems to begin with so what must be done in our edu...
Higher Education needs to be lowered in the United States
School start times all over the U.S are starting way too early for kids to do well in school.
Here I will write about College Expenses to our next president.
In the last 35 years, the cost of college tuition has increased over 1,000%. Making loans more affordable is a good start, but if the rising cost ...
College education VS. Student loans.
The cost of college is already high and now you need a degree to even have a chance to get a job.
The standardized testing system that we currently use is flawed, and should be fixed. This paper covers the problems and solution to this issue.
Women and at risk students deserve equal opportunity.
All students want is a good meal for lunch to stay focused during the day. How are we expected to do that if the lunches are disgusting? We need to...
The issue on college prices needs to be resolved because of rising student loan debt, the future generations success with their careers, and the li...
College is far too expensive, and I write to show how this is a problem.
A lot of people in the government say they care about the education system. However, a lot of them don't know what is truly going on. I wrote this ...
Extra curricular activities are too expensive, often draining wallets of caring parents.
This letter is about how the healthy eating program should stop and the food should go back to normal
The price for college is too high.
Teachers are essential building blocks to creating a better society. Without them, America would be nowhere as advanced as it is today. So then why...
Recess through college
Many issues in America require the attention of many people in America.
Post-Secondary education is becoming more in demand, people need to adapt to the change and efficiently increase knowledge and motivation.
College tuition is really expensive now and the government should try to lower the costs.
Arts education is important to schooling today, and we need to try and keep it alive in school.
College tuition prices are too high.
Students at catholic high schools often have to adhere to strict rules regarding behavior inside and outside of school.
College is a big step for students however how are we supposed to afford it when the debts they leave us take a lifetime to repay?
College tuition is too expensive for students who are willing to attend but can not afford.
Mental health should be required to be taught in schools nationwide.