The world is evolving and medicine is too!! 3D printing is getting the medicine world to be more advanced.
Anger towards police in America needs to stop. Attitudes towards officers have to change because police are protecting us and just doing their job.
College tuition fees are skyrocketing and need to be brought down to help keep the next generations educated and our future intact. College tuition...
We need to do something to stop the Great Pacific Garbage Patch from growing.
Gun control is taking our 2nd Amendment rights away from us!
My paper covers how lax gun control affects the U.S. in negative ways and how we can take steps to fix them.
The Pacific Garbage patch is an international problem that needs to be addressed before it permanently harms us.
While ocean pollution is destroying the environment, it is also destroying us and the ecosystem living in the ocean.
School start times have been getting earlier and earlier as we keep going higher and higher into our educational years. These early school start ti...
Sleep deprivation can cause widespread problems to students, and overwhelming amounts of homework are only making it worse.
Common core has been applied but it doesn't always take into account what the children need.
The Common Core has been in place for three years, but it is not making our students any smarter.
The United States needs to do more to protect our wildlife and forests.
The United States needs to conserve energy so that Pollution does not get any worse.
Teens don't get enough sleep, and it is proven. Starting school later in the morning is a small change that will make a big difference.
How our air pollution is affecting the atmosphere and ways we can help slow down air pollution.
While immigration laws do keep harmful people out of our country, the strictness of these laws is keeping people who can benefit our country out as...
This letter is about how Colin Kaepernick has been showing disrespect towards Our flag and National Anthem.
Deforestation numbers have increased tremendously over the years; as a result there have been many dilemmas that need to be solved.
School start times all over the U.S are starting way too early for kids to do well in school.
48 football-field lengths of trees are cut down every minute.
29 million people are uninsured in America. Universal Health care is a good way to take care of that.
Although there are many reasons school starting times are incredibly early, it is not improving education. Instead, it is worsening it.
The animals that are being abused by people needs to stop and be changed, so animals may be treated respectyfully.
To many people die in gun related deaths. This needs to stop, so we need to enforce stricter gun control laws.
While the United States is one of the richest countries in the world not much of our money has gone to feeding the poorer countries around us and t...
This letter is about poverty in America and how we need to realize there is more to someone's story than what we see.
This is a letter addressing the pressing problem that is bisexual invisibility. Rejection, mental disorders, and possible health problems that go ...
Gay marriage was legalized in 2015 but people who identify as LGBT+ are still subjected to discrimination and harassment every day. LGBT rights are...
Guns have been around since before the forming of this country. They have played a key role in the United States' history.
Female athletes work just as hard to excel in sports, yet when it comes to paying them or giving them equal treatment, it's extremely unfair to the...
As medical students give up almost everything to pursue the path of medicine, the price to attend is becoming a problem.
College tuition is the main reason many can't go to college. It's overpriced.
Plastic is one of the leading causes of pollution in America. Most of the plastic that is being produced ends up in the ocean and killing many diff...
The water is in danger, and it's our duty to save it. Saving it all is hard, but we can do it!
Forest aren't being treated correctly and now fires are burning all of the forest in our nation. But we can fix the problem we have created.
Zoos are cruel and unfair to animals and America needs to put a stop to them.
Early start times are forcing teens to wake up extremely early.
I believe that guns should not be taken away from people who have been good citizens; although, there should be more strict background check for p...
America's rail system is far behind many countries. It's time we made the change. It's time to get up to speed.
The United States needs to stop fighting in the biggest mistake we've made yet, the War in the Middle East.
Today the average American can't nearly afford college and the employment rate is going down because of it, so please help the people of America an...
Mental Health is an important issue in the USA that needs to be dealt with before it's too late.
Women are treated differently then men. Dress codes is just one of the many inequalities.
The world is constantly in danger, but now it is in danger from our own creations, weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear, Biological, and chemical w...
Although women's inequality has been dramatically improve, it still has years of improvement to come.
Marine pollution affects every life.
School start times need to start later. There are many reason why it can be beneficial.
While in the wrong hands any gun can be deadly, with proper training the Second Amendment to our Constitution protects my right to have a firearm.
Racial Injustice has been a hot and controversial topic lately, get the scoop- and the facts, on this important topic.
Essentially, the government needs to fund education to a greater extent, as states do it with a bias.
ISIS has harmed thousands of people and if we don't do anything to stop them more people will die. After ISIS was revealed to the world people all ...
Colin Kaepernick started a national protest of kneeling during the national anthem. Many athletes have followed his example, which in my standpoint...
Though the government is trying, the amount of pollution still increases harmfully.
Before pollution gets worse and worse we need to change the way we travel.
Start times in American schools are reducing the amount of sleep a teenager gets, and are negativity affecting their grades.
In order to reduce global environmental degradation, the United States needs to significantly decrease the amount of pollution we create to set a g...
While we sit here, pollution is slowly increasing and people are slowly dying off, it needs to stop or decrease dramatically.
Unless we lower the price of college, high school students won't be able to pay off the debt.
National parks are a fun family friendly place; nevertheless, ecotourists have been producing problems for the plants and animals that need to be a...
Guns are not the problem in America, the problem is restricting guns so we can not defend our selves.
College rates have increased dramatically over the last ten years; as a result, less students can afford to receive a college education. This trend...
The idea of marijuana being legal brings up many red flags but few people consider what it can really help with. Many people believe that marijuana...
college should be available for everyone and affordable.
Racism has been a long time problem; as a result, racial injustice is at an all time high and needs to be addressed.
Immigration control needs to be brought under control
Forest fires in the U.S. are a problem. Here is some background and solutions for them.
Pollution around the world is at its worst and it needs to be fixed.
Poverty is a large problem, and so many children are not getting a good education due to poor funding to high-poverty areas, and because poverty ca...
Would you want to live in an area where you could get sick because of the military system?
College tuition is too much. College tuition has dramatically increased and is putting stress on students.