Getting a good education is important and so is funding programs that are electives or help students grow as learners.
College tuition is really expensive now and the government should try to lower the costs.
This letter explains the huge problem of student debt and how it can be prevented for future generations.
A lot of undocumented immigrants are having a hard time living in the United States and the government needs to stop coming after them.
Access to not only the classrooms and dorms but also access to the education, such as accommodation is important because if we don’t understand wha...
Every day in America kids are being served tasteless, unhealthy, cheap lunches. These kids are the future. Will we feed them with necessary food a...
So this are my reasons for writing this passage
We need healthy nutritious lunches
An explanation of why it is irrational, immoral, and unconstitutional to physically harm children in school.
Teen stress has increased drastically in the past years due to different reasons. Most of the stress in teenagers is due to education and teachers.
One of my best friends passed away over the summer of 2016 at the age of only 15 because he didn't grow up with the proper education on the dangers...
The next president should make college prices cheaper
Gun control needs to be controlled more heavily.
Why education is important and needed in kids' lives
The issue of education is important because for those who wants to learn and wanted knowledge of education deserve the equal opportunities in study...
College tuition expensive should be lower and build a better education system.
All around the United States, the opportunities available for every student are not the same. They definitely should be. Whether about the school m...
Here I will write about College Expenses to our next president.
Preschool is a vital part of children's learning. It should be mandatory in every state.
Things need to change in the schools
Problems with our educational system and treatment of students
Our country should improve education on this topic.
Increase the cyber security of our country.
Poor treatment of Native Americans and Alaska Natives is evident in education, poverty rates and job earnings, physical and mental health, substanc...
The defunding of arts programs is an increasing problem and leads to an under appreciation and neglect of the arts.
People across the globe need to have access to knowledge on how they can keep our earth healthy.
Educational disparity in the U.S is at an all-time high. The gap is growing at disturbing rates now more than ever. Is the system already set to gi...
A brief but eye opening review on the nutrition offered in American school lunch programs today. Maybe the lunch you thought students were receivin...
What's Wrong with our educational system?
Whoever the president may be, listen to what the people need. Not only those who support you, but those who don't support you as well because bein...
In the text below, I explain my problem with the increased prices in college tuition
we have many students across the United states who need to be given the chance to shine in every way possible from how they get educated to the var...
Standardized testing hurts America's education.
Revolutionizing education.
Many cities in the United States are suffering from a high crime rate. That is why the president should make this his first priority when he become...
Some ways we could improve education for minorities and every student.
School lunches should have larger portion sizes.
how inflexible teachers are when they teach while just assuming that the flexible students are slow, when its themselves.
We cant succeed in life if there is no way to afford the education that is necessary.
College tuition needs to be lowered for people who have the strong drive for success but not always the money.
Special needs kids need more education and life skills.
NASA hasn't had a groundbreaking achievement in over 50 years. It's time to change that.
High school students need better information and options regarding their current and future education.
We are the generation of breaking boundaries and little green papers have more power over us.
We need to focus on programs to help keep kids in school
The importance of affordable education for students of Louisiana
Teacher deserve more pay because they are the people who set us for the future
Bullying in schools is a very important issue we need to resolve. In this letter I discuss how victims are affected and how we can fix it.
Teacher's salaries are simply too low right now and they need to be increased. Teachers are the people that educate the future of our nation and th...
Differences in income cause the American education system to be biased against lower-income students.
Uniforms may seem like a small contribution to America, but the possible gains of requiring uniforms in schools in America are surprising.
News channels need to increase coverage on environmental issues in order to raise awareness.
I thought college opened up more financial possibilities, but it is starting to look like it's digging us a larger hole than we need to be in.
It's no secret that there is a huge gender gap in STEM-related jobs, one being computer science. There needs to be more promotion for women and gir...
Our education plays a big factor in what we will do, who we will meet, and who we will become. Therefore, we need to have a good education system. ...
Education in general is important. Women's education is severely undervalued compared to a man's education. Come find out the consequences of not g...
Standardized testing might not be as helpful as we'd hoped it'd be, and this is why.
Schools should switch their starting hour from an early start like 7:00 A.M. to a later start like 10:00 A.M., so that students can have more sleep...
With my letter I want to bring a new problem to our new president with a fair solution.
Persuasive letter to the next President opposing standardized testing.
For struggling families to kids on the streets america needs your help to fight against homelessness. When we carry out our daily lives many of us ...
You may believe in gun control. You may believe in the right to bear arms. There is a way we can have both.
Teachers are essential building blocks to creating a better society. Without them, America would be nowhere as advanced as it is today. So then why...
The education system which we have today needs to change. Our education system is designed around standardized tests that don't actually show how ...
We need to find better food options that kids will like and give bigger servings that will fill them up.
Charter Schools: Another Education Option
College tuition has risen to an unaffordable amount for some middle class citizens.
Bilingual Education is underappreciated throughout the country.
The best way to give everyone equal opportunity and stimulate economic growth is not by making higher-level education free.
this letter was written in Mr. Leeper's Ethnic studies class at Aptos middle school in San Francisco CA .We are writing to express our feelings and...
Poverty is a large problem, and so many children are not getting a good education due to poor funding to high-poverty areas, and because poverty ca...
We need to take some of the money we give to the military and give it to the education programs around the United States.
Today I want to tell you something about Education Funding.
The wage cuts upon teachers.
Students in school need to start learning subjects that they can take on in the future.
No human life should be taken.
There is a big issue.Children that are in foster systems don't get the opportunity to have a great education.
Students at catholic high schools often have to adhere to strict rules regarding behavior inside and outside of school.
Standardized tests play a tremendous role in what college we get into. Should our futures be so dependent on one score?
The United States has the most expensive college tuition in the world. Student debt has tripled in the last 8 years, with the total amount of debt ...
The thoughts of a current highschool junior about the status of education in this country.
this shows how to improve the education of many kids living in poverty and in need of resources or supplies.
The burden of being raped, sexually harassed, or sexual abused is not understood in America, leading to problems with our justice system and rapist...
Art has a very effective role in a child's life. Making it available to students could be world changing.
We need to learn about being safe and healthy not only with sexual activity but with relationships, gender identity, and sexual orientation in a po...
A rant on the failed school system of standardized testing. And what the Newly elected president can do to end it.
Receiving a higher education is becoming to costly.
Affordable Education.
The United States is in dire need of informative and accurate sex education.
Less and less schools are enforcing cursive handwriting for elementary aged children, and cursive is disappearing from our country at an alarming r...
Do you want a job when you're older? Your kids to be safe? A house to raise your family in? With Illegal Immigration some of these things may not b...
Why adults believe teenagers are a plague to society, and why this needs to change.
In my letter I explain the harm of college exams and why they should be used in moderation.
Abortion is a touchy subject because of it's wide array of views that cannot necessarily be centered by any religion, race, or sexuality. It is a c...
Some people have so much debt from college that they can’t even afford a house even with a high paying job. We will tell you what tuition is, why t...
Predominantly black schools in the US aren't given the same educational tools and resources as predominantly white schools.
Dear future President of the United States of America.
Police officers are not required to have a college degree. In the U.S. we have too much police violence and racism. This may be caused by their lac...