The need to reform the United State's Education System.
Kids have too much homework.Read on to see how it hurts us.
Poverty in Small towns, is often over looked. The next president, really needs to take into consideration how that can be positively changed.
Post-Secondary education is becoming more in demand, people need to adapt to the change and efficiently increase knowledge and motivation.
Are we able to afford college anymore?
AT SCHOOL, Many teens decide that education is not needed in their life due to the fact that they won’t be attending college, but little do they kn...
We need to end the chaos of bullying.
This letter asks the next president to promote the importance of raising awareness and increasing knowledge of mental health on a national stage.
Teacher deserve more pay because they are the people who set us for the future
Coming into schools, most students feel as if they are not allowed to talk about their faith and what they believe. My letter to the president clea...
Improve the education system in America.
this shows how to improve the education of many kids living in poverty and in need of resources or supplies.
Within the American education system the importance of the arts and expanding a students mind and capability of comprehensive thinking is waning.
College tuition is too high
Getting a good education is important and so is funding programs that are electives or help students grow as learners.
The average start time for public schools in the U.S. is 8:03 am, too early for students to properly learn.
The U.S is lacking behind in education polls and we need to fix this.
Problems with our educational system and treatment of students
Many people can't afford a college education. This effects the economy and the person's lifestyle negatively. College should be free for everyone. ...
costs to pursue a education should be lowered or taken away
Programs in high school will help high school students discover what career path is right for them, decrease the average student debt, and help stu...
I am a resident of Miami, Florida, and I am writing because I believe college tuition should be free of cost. 150 years ago, Americans said low inc...
I think this country is failing in education and we need to stop it! An average school day is 6 to 7 hours and only about two of those are spe...
The only way to fix our country's financial troubles is to teach our youth about money.
We need to find new programs for dyslexia.
Predominantly black schools in the US aren't given the same educational tools and resources as predominantly white schools.
The burden of being raped, sexually harassed, or sexual abused is not understood in America, leading to problems with our justice system and rapist...
Our minds should be focused on education not profits for test companies
College affordability is a top concern for Cyncere Perston, who is working as hard as possible to earn scholarships for college and hopes the next ...
Schools should start later in the morning to empower students to be more successful.
This letter discusses the affordability of higher education
The Common Core teaching goals are not teaching children correctly.
Our video was written and produced last spring in conjunction with KQED's #whatsmyissue video campaign. It's time to insure equitable funding in ou...
Students take so many state tests that it stresses them out and makes it hard for them to be children.
In today's society, a college education is a requirement for most jobs; however, the inflation of college tuition has created a massive financial b...
We need jobs in this country we are in a major crisis, more people are using welfare than ever.
Global Warming is a Real thing with REAL effects on us and on our earth. We need a change right now, before its to late.
Education systems need to be catered to the career path the student plans to take in order to give them the information and knowledge they require ...
Homework in America has risen dramatically in the last century. This can cause negative affects on students.
Is Anything ACTUALLY Free?
Differences in income cause the American education system to be biased against lower-income students.
Extra curricular activities are too expensive, often draining wallets of caring parents.
Standardized tests play a tremendous role in what college we get into. Should our futures be so dependent on one score?
Many students around the world are getting very stressed out about homework. Since you are the president of the United States, I hope you will unde...
Getting more kids into college will educate our country and make America more successful and generally happy.
Racial discrimination from cops
Art has a very effective role in a child's life. Making it available to students could be world changing.
America should mandate that all public schools hire a child psychologist to evaluate children in grade Kindergarten, 4th, 8th, and 12th. This will ...
A letter to the future president of the Unites States of America
College tuition is really expensive now and the government should try to lower the costs.
Teaching and learning foreign language is important for schools and students.
A letter explaining why schools need more funding to help with our international education standing
For struggling families to kids on the streets america needs your help to fight against homelessness. When we carry out our daily lives many of us ...
The issue of education is important because kids have to have education in order to succeed in the future.
Josh Brockett wants to be free to achieve his goals without the financial burden of student debt.
Schools need a nutritionist to plan school lunches in order to make them healthier.
All students want is a good meal for lunch to stay focused during the day. How are we expected to do that if the lunches are disgusting? We need to...
Though lowering the cost of college tuition may be costly, it is a worthy investment in the future prosperity of our country.
The cost of college is outrageous.
The budget of the Department of Defense is far larger than what this country can support, this author proposes a reduction of the budget and an all...
College Tuition is too high and prevents high school students from being successful in life and becoming important people.
A students future might depend on how much sleep they get. If school started as little as 30 minutes earlier, grades would improve, car crashes wou...
Home is where people go to relax and spend time with their friends and family, not work. School should not follow you home and ruin your only safe ...
To fix education for the greater good of our country. Kids need better education.
Excessive testing can hinder a student's education. What steps can be taken to solve this problem?
About what our next president should deal with
Redos and Retakes on homework and tests are hurting to students that are going to college.
Educating the U.S citizens about events around the world.
The real nightmare all students have to face and why we should put an end to it.
After School Makes a Difference!
Being a student in a K-12 Environment I feel as if there is so much more people can do to improve the way the education in schools are run. While I...
Standardized testing does not accurately measure a student's potential and capabilities.
In a world where a lack of knowledge causes fear, slashing through misconceptions about vaccinations can be difficult. However, by examining the...
The way we are feeding our students in school is detrimental to their health and therefore affects the ability to learn and be prosperous. This is ...
A brief but eye opening review on the nutrition offered in American school lunch programs today. Maybe the lunch you thought students were receivin...
I believe that AP tests should be given more emphasis for students' academic abilities, than the SAT or ACT tests.
Some problems, solutions, and suggestions to benefit the people of the United States of America.
How we can improve education in America.
The once flourishing charter school movement is now being derailed.
How schools have been breaking the First Amendment of the Constitution for decades without anyone knowing it by teaching evolution to their students.
Why is it that the education system should be getting better, but efforts to improve it result in it being more corrupted as generations pass? The...
Free College
Parents and teachers have been at war over whether students should or shouldn’t wear uniforms.
My stance on Education
You are President of the United States, "Forgive and forget," no longer applies.
This letter talks about our education system, and what we can do to make things better.
Teachers have been assigning homework to students for as long as the school system has been around. It is assumed that this helps kids learn, but i...
Students of color are unevenly distributed throughout education
I feel every 4-year-old in the state of Minnesota should be given the oportunity to recieve a free pre-k education.
This letter addresses the need for the government to help students get help with their mental health disorders.
Standardized testing should not be the way to evaluate whether a student should move on or not.
Girls need education for a successful nation.
More government involvement in the physical conditions of public schools in America
It is talking about why the current structure of school is designed for students to fail and not succeed.
The United States of America should be a nation that provides everyone the same educational opportunities. America is known as the land of opportun...
Teen stress has increased drastically in the past years due to different reasons. Most of the stress in teenagers is due to education and teachers.
Animal abuse is a big issue in all parts of the nation, but for some reason this is not being taught about in schools. If kids do not learn about t...