College costs must be lowered for kids to achieve their dreams. I have had a personal experience with this because my brother recently went to coll...
With the greater need for higher education and the pressure on many students to attend college to be successful, the expenses for a higher educatio...
With the upcoming election, college tuition has been a hot topic. Will this continue to be an issue or will someone step up and fix the problem?
How free schooling won't work for the US.
Many bright students are unable to get a good college education due to their families not having enough money. This is a problem.
Students should be provided with more ways to pay for college because the tuition is too high, loans and debt brings nothing but stress upon studen...
The high cost of college is becoming a major problem to many people.
My letter explains the importance of financial support for college students and the affect student loan debts have on citizens.
With college costs increasing, the debt gets bigger. We need to change that.
In 2012, 71 percent of students graduating from four year colleges were in debt. That's 1.3 million students in debt, and a 2 million increase sinc...
The colossal issue of student debt affects America's youth.
There is no correlation between intelligence and wealth, so why make college only available to the wealthy?
This letter discusses how the price of college is too expensive and should be lowered. Also, scholarships should be much larger.
This letter discusses the issue of rising college tuition prices. Providing statistics and evidence to prove that this topic is in fact real. ...
College tuition is intensively rising and the price is becoming too high
A letter to the President about my concern of college tuition in America
My letter adresses college tuition for students and talks about how expensive it is for families to pay for education.
The future president of the United states should be cautious about the decisions he makes for our country. Student debt is becoming more and more o...
College tuition expensive should be lower and build a better education system.
The majority of students face the trials of trying to pay for college. If so many students are having a hard time, why is there no one helping?
My letter is about how student tuition is increasing every year preventing numerous students from going to college and how tuition price should dec...
Supporting Free College Tuition
Colleges in this country are too expensive for most of those applying. Providing more financial aid options across the United States, as well as s...
I thought that an important issue is that college cost is too high for students and families.
Out of all my my research on this topic between the two candidates, I could hardly find any sources for Donald Trump. It's almost as he has avoided...
By Harper
The cost of college tuition is steadily increasing as is the need for financial aid which leads to more debt after college. There is a way to fix t...
Everybody in the world wants to be successful, and in order to do that, you have to go to college. Most people this day and time do not want to go ...
There is a growing concern for the route college tuition is heading, so I decided to ask what the future president will do to resolve this issue.
The cost of college tuition is rising uncontrollably and becoming a major problem
The world is becoming smarter and the only way to survive is if you're educated; without that you can’t have a career, and you would go through the...
College tuition needs to be lowered.
Many claim the college tuition price is far to high. This is a lame excuse, as many of those people's parents will be paying for their college anyw...
The issue on college prices needs to be resolved because of rising student loan debt, the future generations success with their careers, and the li...
The best way to give everyone equal opportunity and stimulate economic growth is not by making higher-level education free.
Around 20 million students attend college each year, which is about 68% of high school graduates. Why don't the other 32% attend? Most of it has to...
The future president should lower or adjust student loans, so the new generation can live a happier life.
Everyone has the right to go to a great college and have it be affordable.
Although a college degree is almost required to be successful in today's day and age, many youth cannot afford the cost or will be saddled with hug...
College tuition is keeping people from being able to go to the college they want or even a college at all.
Not everybody has the money to put their kids into college, or no one wants to be paying of there debt for 20 or more years. Also stress and anxiet...
Education beyond high school is not free, in fact it is very expensive. In this letter I explain how I feel this PROBLEM should be addressed and ho...
College tuition is overly priced. Every year It increases by 5%. Colleges have more than enough money to give to students for scholarships. For the...
More should be done to make tuition affordable.
As the price of college tuition rises, so does the amount of student loan students have to pay to .
A telling of why the next president should decrease student loan debt and why it must be stopped.
College tuition is too expensive.
Millions of people are in crippling debt in this country, and that's something we need to fix.
These prices are beginning to be way too high and should be lowered.
Banded Tuition would be very beneficial.
The issue of students being discouraged to attend college.
College tuition prices are rising uncontrollably and becoming a big issue in the United States.
College Prices MUST go down to get students out of student loan debt.
Over the last 30-40 years the price of college has increased by about $18,000 and has became less affordable.
Education is very important to all citizens, and it is important that everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of income and race.
College is an achievement many high school students wish to reach. But the cost of college has been rising every year from the hundreds to the thou...
College Tuition
College tuition costs need to be lowered so Youth as myself and America can have a better future
My letter is basically about how students are having a hard time not only paying off college bills but also how when students take out loans and th...
Benefits of reducing college costs
Reasons why college prices should be lowered
The student debt for colleges is something that will affect our generation and our next, and it needs to be solved.
I pull together some of my ideas and opinions on our next president as well as ask him questions.
DACA and immigration reform.
The high cost of universities affect different things in society.
We need to lower college tuition.
We, students of the U.S, are the future. We will decide what to do with this country. We are going to maintain America. In order to do so we must b...
That time has come, high school students' favorite time of their life, high school graduation. Once they cross that stage and are given their diplo...
College Costs
This is my letter on why college tuition should be free or lowered.
I think people shouldn't pay student loan because its to much. Also its a long 30 years payment plan. Third it's stopping people to go to college ...
College tuition should be lowered because it should be more affordable to the average American family without them going into major debt.
College should be made affordable and debt-free, not completely tuition-free.
Nowadays, college tuition is way too expensive. Students are paying off loans for decades after they graduate. This is a huge problem in our societ...
This article is abut how college cost can hold this country back from becoming smarter.
Growing up, we are taught that college is the next step in life after high school. The problem is, this next step costs us tens of thousands of dol...
I address the issue of student loans and propose ideas as to how we may be able to make college more affordable and/or easy to attend.
This is a letter about college tuition and the problems of the cost to go to college for families.
Colleges are getting more expensive and harder to get into as time progresses.
It would be beneficial for U.S help to immigrant students to receive tuition to go on a College or University.
College tuition is getting in the way of other students achieving their education and life goals. I believe that the government can help make a bet...
How to fix student loans and make sure everyone gets healthcare
The high cost of a college tuition is an issue for students across the country. College is priced as a luxury, but is viewed as a necessity. Perhap...
Cost of college is rising and doesn't look like it is slowing down.
College tuition is rising each year at a very unaffordable rate. Therefore causing many families and individuals to not be able to go to a college ...
With college tuition being so high, the struggle to afford a college education is as big as ever
College debt after graduation can greatly affect the lives of those who owe.
College expenses are difficult for students to pay for and create a large amount of debt.
We need to lower college tuition, so students can get a better chance to get a higher education.
My letter is about student debt. Student debt is becoming a bigger problem and students are not able to pay it back.
Student debt is too high
Many students can not afford to pursue higher educations because of raised college tuition.
The number one problem that our country is currently facing is our education system.
Opportunity and change is the goal for families.
Student loans should be lowered in order for people to be better financially.
Student debt is becoming a growing problem in our society and it needs to be stopped.
I think that the costs of college are too high and something needs to be done to change this. Student debt needs to end now.
A college education is extremely important in assuring the success of students throughout their careers and also supporting the economy. One way to...
College prices are to high and should be lower.
Education is a right not a privilege.