Nothing is impossible, the word its self says "i'm possible". Women are equal to men and should be payed and treated equal too. It is possible for ...
Gender identity is making its way through many people's conversations throughout America and across the country. In order to help this crisis cool ...
Schools around the country are increasing their tuition, making it harder for students of all classes to get an education.
Gender equality is still a big issue/struggle in our world today. In the United States, men and women are not being treated the same in the workpla...
Why LGBT(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) marriage should be legal in all states.
How the cuts to school funding affect the average student.
College tuition in America needs is way too expensive. As next president of the United States of America, I hope you can understand how Americans f...
The inequality in the construction trade is troubling!
The Cost of Education is Expensive
The college tuition should be lowered.
Evidence and reasons of why the president should lower college tuition and debt.
There is too much racism in America, and this needs to come to an end. As the president you can help to resolve this issue.
Should we provide two free years of community college for those who need the support to further their education?
While equality is something that we stand for in this country it is not actually represented. People of different races, genders, and LGBT people a...
College prices should be changed or at least have a better financial aid that doesn't have as high as an interest rate
Lower the constantly rising college costs and create more merit and need based scholarships.
The price of college is way too much. this letter is for lowering college prices.
If students want to go to any colleges after high school and they don't have enough money to pay for their classes, I think the president should g...
Feminism is fighting for the equality of the sexes. In today's society, it means many different things for different people. We need to bring this ...
My letter is about student loans, the cost of college, and why something needs to be done to reduce this expense.
I think college should be made more affordable throughout the United States. So many people are in debt and it needs to be dealt with.
Growing up, college is seen as a necessity that everyone does but somewhere along the line of our lives, the reality changed. College prices became...
The importance of fairness and equality between racial groups in America
People of the LGBT community deserve to be treated like humans and deserve equal rights.
Summary: I was raised to believe in two things: that everyone is equal and as such everyone should be treated with respect. I am worried to see how...
Without college the American Dream is not accessible. As many Americans find college out of their price range the American Dream is being locked aw...
The statements and concerns of a teen who wants equality for all identities.
Why is the cost of college getting so expensive when it is so mandatory?
Have you thought about the future of our great nation? It depends on this generation. And this generation deserves a phenomenal education opportuni...
Everyone should be heard and have a right of protection
The mandatory minimum prison sentencing is unfair for people who have done minor crimes and it needs to be changed.
College fees should be cheaper so that all families can give their kids the education they deserve.
My viewpoint on equal pay for all American women and men.
Today in the US, only citizens ages 18 and older and some 17 year olds in certain states can vote in the presidential election. This is unfair and ...
This letter discusses the issue of rising college tuition prices. Providing statistics and evidence to prove that this topic is in fact real. ...
Police brutality of black citizens has gotten out of control.
College has always been the next step of my life after high school and still is but for some people college is not there next stop in high school. ...
Education provides many opportunities and everyone needs education.
Police have been abusing their power, and something needs to be done.
A look into the educational needs of our young citizens.
Its time to step up for ourselves.
Albert Einstein once stated, “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life thinking t...
Between the years of 2011-12 and 2016-17 college tuition went up 9% in public 4 year colleges. Does the tuition really need to cost more?
Poor Latino families can no longer afford college especially when the cost of college is dramatically increasing.
Explaining the reasons why college tuition should be more affordable.
Not all families can afford college in the US
Everyone is equal, and the new president needs to enforce that more strongly. Also we need to solve the whole cops and black people situation. Anot...
Lowering cost of College tuition
Collage tuition and how it affects students and graduates.
Dogs shouldn't be banned based solely on their appearance, stereotypes, and other's ignorance. If we shouldn't do it to humans, we shouldn't do it...
With lower student loans, more students will be able to get the education they need.
The cost of college tuition is a huge problem, and it's leave many in post-graduate difficulties.
Women around the world deserve equality.
People of all types deserve Equal rights
Why is college tution so costly?
Education is the key to life. It will help you everyday.
Persuasive Letter with reasons to have Free College Education.
in the end, we are all human.
It's a letter. But not just any ordinary letter. It's a letter to the president.
Using pacifist methods to stop an ever growing problem.
College Tuition should be decreasing in price so more people have the opportunities to get a degree.
It's expensive!!!!
Costs of College
Free Education!
The price for college is too high.
I am a junior at Judge Memorial arguing that the President should be a listener and advocate for all people of the United States.
College cost a lot of money for some people. I believe that education is very important and it is not fair for some people that really care about e...
The overwhelming emphasis on college has become a large aspect of our modern day society. The ever climbing prices of college tuition is affecting ...
The justice system has jailed many criminals since the first opening case, but is our own people in the court house being biased towards the minori...
college is way too expensive for the average family
College tuition is the main reason many can't go to college. It's overpriced.
How will we pay for college?
The cost of going and getting into college is unbelievable.
College Costs and Security
College athletes should not be paid.
Hear us now! Hear our words! why does college tuition have to stop us from succeeding?
In my image, I painted on my skeleton, the same one every single one of us has, and depicted the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender flags in t...
The United States has the most expensive college tuition in the world. Student debt has tripled in the last 8 years, with the total amount of debt ...
College athletes should be paid for what they bring to their universities. For all of the blood, sweat, and tears that they shed for the school, th...
We, students of the U.S, are the future. We will decide what to do with this country. We are going to maintain America. In order to do so we must b...
College Tuition should be higher on the President's agenda and needs to be lowered if the President would like to see the youth of our nation succe...
Racism and Environmental, 2016 letter to president
The situation of immigration is at a high but we need to know how we should approach it and realize what consequences could come our action to cont...
The price of college is too expensive.
Equal rights; women aren't equal to men and the media making it look like celebrities are higher than us but really we are equal.
Tuition should be a gift from the government.
All people should be treated the same regardless of their sexuality.
Numerous amount of students today plan on attending college after graduating high school, but some students such as those with low-income, may not ...
LGBT+ discrimination has gone on too long.
College tuition costs more than it should and we should do something about it.
Syrians are being tortured, and we can save them. If we only let the refugees into our country, and provide them with necessities such as food and ...
The cost of going to college is too high, we need to work to make it more affordable for everyone.
College tuition has been continuously rising over the years. The cost of college is causing many people to have a great amount of debt after colleg...
This talks about immigration and police brutality
May the value of your character matter more than the color of your skin.
The next president must address the cost of higher education because millions of students all over the U.S. are struggling with student debt during...
Imagine you were in a situation where you didn't have any money. You're a teenager with no money and u were pregnant. What would you do? Sometimes ...
In today's society, a college education is a requirement for most jobs; however, the inflation of college tuition has created a massive financial b...
The First Amendment is arguably one of the most important amendments in the Constitution. This is not only because it guarantees our right to free ...