America needs to step in to help Dalits over in India who are suffering from discrimination due to India's caste system.
This letter addresses the issue of abortion, and expresses my opinion that it should be a woman's choice and should therefore be legal.
Planned Parenthood is more than a place for reproductive health. It's a place for freedom.
Men and women should be paid equally.
Women (and men) are getting catcalled on the streets every day. What are you going to do about it?
For decades, abortion has been an issue that has divided our country. As time has progressed, the issue hasn’t gotten any better. Even after the S...
Products that are a necessity for half of the population, such as pads and tampons, are still viewed as a luxury. This is an issue that needs to ch...
It has been fifty three years since The Equal Pay Act of 1963 was enacted, and seven years since President Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter ...
79 cents to 1 dollar
This is a letter and infographic about our position on women's rights and abortion. We believe the woman should be allowed to decide if she wants t...
This article is about Woman who have been victims of Domestic Violence, and them feeling like they
I do not believe abortion should be illegal.
Get rid of sexism!!!
Equal rights for women will unite and help advance the United States, as well as set examples for other countries who face similar challenges.
A reflection on the in justifications of girls everyday
There has been many debates involving the rights that women have and how women should be treated equal. I believe that our next president should fi...
Women across America face wage discrimination and this has to stop. Equal pay for equal work must be considered a human right in order for society ...
Women deserve equal pay for all their work and contribution.
There are way more problems America should be paying more attention to. We need to take these issues seriously, while we still have time.
Women's issues have not only been ignored nationally, but are continually swept under the rug of the international status quo. We must unite as a p...
A letter on the support of abortion.
With support and opinions of the women's rights movement on the rise one important problem is pregnancy discrimination in the workforce. One in eve...
Equal pay for both men and women.
This is a letter addressing my primary concern regarding the issues facing the United States.
A woman has the right to decide what she would like to do with her body and the government should not be able to take this right away.
There is a gender pay gap in the workplace, and we need to build a bridge to equal pay. Women earn less than men for the same jobs and it’s hurting...
Women are still faced with inequalities even in the year 2016.
Women's Right to be treated equally.
Gender Inequality - Unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender.
I hope as future president, you will stand up for our women and create equality for all.
A letter from a frustrated young woman demanding social and political equality for an entire gender that has been trampled on since the dawn of civ...
Abortion should be kept legal in our country to give women the right to do what they want with their bodies.
My opinion on women getting less money then men for the same job.
women and men should have equal pay, women have women rights but still do not get paid equal as a man which should be changed because gender should...
American females should all have the right to a private abortion service.
This letter gives a brief insight as to how funding abortions would benefit women, specifically those who live in poverty.
Abortion isn't murder; abortion can save a life.
Women are treated unequally, and that needs to change, plain and simple. In our country, women have to cope with sexism everyday; this issue needs ...
We need to close the Wage Gap!
Monitoring what women and girls wear is a common practice in schools, churches, and places of work. Within the past five years, women around the wo...
This is an issue that has been around for as long as the world existed. Yet to this day, it is not identified or acknowledged as much as it should ...
Women and men should receive equal pay for doing the same job.
Gender inequality is one of the biggest issues in America, And it needs to be stopped!
What are the pros and cons of both presidential candidates?
Women do not have the same rights as men when it comes to jobs. This is an ongoing problem that needs to be stopped.
Why Planned Parenthood deserves to be funded by the government.
Although women's inequality has been dramatically improve, it still has years of improvement to come.
Gender Equality is the greatest issue America is facing today because women aren't getting paid the minimum wage and they are doing the same jobs a...
In order to protect the well being of women, We deserve equal pay, the right to be heard, and control over our body and decisions.
The government should not choose whether or not you have a child.
Nothing is impossible, the word its self says "i'm possible". Women are equal to men and should be payed and treated equal too. It is possible for ...
This letter is just an overview of where I stand in my beliefs of what our labor and business field should look like. Lower taxes will encourage bu...
The choice is ultimately the woman's.
People have abortions for all the wrong reasons.
Wage Gap concerns.
Within our corrupt society today, many girls are pressured into fitting in with the social norms while benefitting others. Young girls are getting ...
It's our time to shine
Not your body? Not your choice.
Though we claim to be a progressive country especially in our treatment of women, we are one of the few countries in the world that does not mandat...
Abortions take place all over the world. There are many safe abortion clinics in the United States, but there are some people who wish to take thos...
Abortion is the biggest issue facing the nation. Women should have a choice in what to do with their bodies.
Social Inequality is the leading problem facing our modern world and is in need of immediate attention and reforms from our president elect, regard...
Women don't have the same rights as men, and it needs to change.
Who has the right to tell women what they can and can not do ? The law? Or women ourselves?
Abortion is not a matter for strangers to decide. Think about the woman not the unborn fetus.
Women employed through many professional work places are expected to choose between having children and working. This expectation is not only unfai...
My topic is Women's Rights. I will be discussing things like Education and Salary.
Violence against women, the wage gap, and the lack of abortion rights are issues that need to be solved to bring the US closer to gender equality.
Women have the right to control their own life.
Unequal pay rates and how they effect the working women in the U.S.A.
Roe v. Wade should be defended by whoever takes the Oval Office.
Abortion is an impending issue for American's in the near future.
Women have the right to choose.
Abortion is a very controversial topic that will not be going away anytime soon. It is time that everyone living in a pro-abortion country starts t...
The topic of abortion has caused numerous debates throughout history, and is still in debate today. It seems as if you are either supportive of it,...
Stopping violence against women is important because it's affecting our women in our country and world.
A woman's right to her own body should hold a higher power than the government or any religious group, especially when it comes to the subject of c...
Getting an Abortion should be the woman's choice!
This letter discusses the matter that people should treat women the way they want to be treated - equally and respected.
Abortion is a highly controversial topic. Some believe the fetus has rights so abortion should be illegal, but i believe it is the woman's right to...
Women are treated differently then men. Dress codes is just one of the many inequalities.
As President it is crucial that you address our nation's crisis regarding abortions.
Women and men should be treated equally and paid equally too.
How abortion should be left out of government.
I think that women should get payed the same amount for the same job than man.
Women should be allowed on the frontline if they prove that they can handle it.
Women in the U.S.A have the option of being educated,however some women around the world don't.
Many women are underestimated of their abilities and skills and are often paid less than a salary of a man.
Let's erase stereotypes to allow equality for all
My personal views on what the president should do to address women's rights, as well as the awareness of them.
This is a letter about the issues of equal pay and why you should care.
Women's Rights
Women should be able to make their own decision about whether or not to have a child.
Lawmakers should not be allowed to defund Planned Parenthood.
Female athletes work just as hard to excel in sports, yet when it comes to paying them or giving them equal treatment, it's extremely unfair to the...
Abortion can let women decide for themselves whether they're ready to take on the role of a mother. Children who are born to mothers who are prepar...
Equal Pay for Women in the United States- and Women's Rights Around the World
Women should get pay paid based on their work ethic and accomplishments rather than by what they look like on the outside.
This letter is to inform the next president about what problems there are in society -equal pay for women
Gender equality is a Human Right