Students are losing sleep because of current school times.
A look at how single parents struggle to provide for their families in America.
Large amounts of a natural chemical known as Chromium -6 is being found in our tap water.
I decided to address the problem of Gun Control. People believe it will stop death but I believe it will only make it worse.
Dear Future President,
65.9% of high school graduates enrolled in college, but more than 75% of students who take remedial classes never graduate. And 60% of college drop...
Dear Mr./Mrs. President, Do you ever wonder how it would feel to live in an oven? Because that is exactly where the world is headed. Each year it ...
Throughout the years, many things have improved. It's time that education takes a part in that as well.
Abortion is murder. Babies and fetuses are also human, treat them like it.
One of the biggest of the United States is high health care costs.
Gay couples should have the same rights to adopt a child, as long as they pass all of the background checks as a straight couple and are prepared t...
God made us equal. He created us to serve him. We were created to love each other and learn from each other's mistake. Did you know that this world...
The amount of people who get away with sexual assault facing minimal charges is baffling and disgusting. Nobody should ever be scared to not be abl...
We should be treating animals the way we want to be treated. We become so ignorant and say "They're dogs they don't feel anything", but they have f...
Gun Control is getting out of hand....
If we don't find a solution now the damage will already have been dealt.
A wise man once said "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their...
Immigrant families and the immigration reform
When teens get pregnant there first reaction is to get a abortion because they feel like their in this alone, they're not ready to care for one yet...
Gun violence is a problem in the United States and should be looked at by our future president.
America's global trade deficit grows more and more.
Dear future president I first wanna w...
We could have less gun violence problems if...
Sexual assault can happen to various people, who where there at the wrong time and wrong place. There are indeed laws that cover this, but because ...
We are seen as weak, inferior and damsels who can't make it in the world, but we've fought for our rights! We are strong and intelligent what else ...
Why is poverty such a big issue? When we have so many people who claim to be helping?
Dear Future President, Police brutality is a controversial topic that's on the rise, especially in the perfidious media. It's shameful ...
Theres a life depending on you.
Police brutality must end now for it has raised racial tensions, brought a culture of fear to certain cities, and it has become increasingly preval...
The baby shouldn't have to suffer for the mother and the fathers careless mistakes.
A fetus is a human not a mistake.
We students are the future, we need schools to support our dreams so we can achieve.
There is a big gun problem in America but with some procautions, gun violence can be reduced with out taking away peoples guns.
The School System from one hundred years ago is no different from today's School system.
Help us find a way to end it.
Gun Violence is the biggest tragedy in America. It has the highest rate than any other nation. Homicide, suicide, and unintentional happens most of...
Dear, Future president Foreigners, immigrants, and refugees are being misund...
Abortion is what makes this country uncivilized and the existence of abortion is the problem.
Gun Violence is out of control and we need to help those mentally challenged who provoke gun violence in this country.
There should be stricter laws when dealing with abortion. Women should realize there are other options besides abortion. If we help them realize th...
Some stuff surprises me, but this blows my mind. How is it legal to take the life of a new born. God blesses the woman with the baby for a reason, ...
Sexual assault on college campuses is a problem we should take more serious and put an effort to make an end to it.
Global warming is issue that effects us, animals, and the environment. We are the ones who started global warming so we must the be the ones to end...
Sex offenders shouldn't come out for good behavior or for any matter out of jail. It is not fair to the community and the victim who was hurt by th...
Girls get insulted by comments like "You can't do that you're a girl", "Like a girl", "Not lady like"
Climate change is having a major impact on the world, and is only getting worse. Urgent action is necessary.
This Countries economy is going down hill
we have many students across the United states who need to be given the chance to shine in every way possible from how they get educated to the var...
The emotions that us teens hold within that we cannot control affect our school life daily. It's time to remove the wall that's not allowing the ge...
College tuitions are increasing and less students get the chance to succeed in life, we need to lower college fees so our upcoming generations can ...
Help find a way to end pollution.
Giving illegal immigrants a chance to live in the US
concerns about animal abuse
Lets legalize marijuana
Pertains to our 2nd amendment and how much good firearms actually are.
My letter is on the dangers in agricultural feeding and what we can do to prevent from happening.
Racial segregation is ruining our country
I'm writing about how drugs can affect the U.S in a bad way
Police brutality is a serious problem and I am sure that you are aware of that, but I believe that not much is being done to stop this brutality.
Debt.. A big issue huh? It's one of the main issues we have in the United States.
Women are judged upon what we do. It's our body, not yours or his.
This is just a letter saying that all terrorism should be shown, not just the ones that have a lot of deaths.
We can no longer ignore this issue.
The Foster Care system is broken.