I understand that our nation is always going to have problems; however, we need to start taking care of those problems one by one. A major probl...
If we don't improve the North Carolina Judicial System, how many lives will be affected in a negative way?
Many innocent people die every year because of falsely accusing people in criminal situations. Many African American people die because of racism, ...
a letter by. kaitlyn feurtado
"Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~ Malcolm X
Racism is all around us and it affects everybody in the world. People are causing violence just because of racism and one race says that they are b...
In this letter to the next president, I will be arguing that gun violence need to be stopped and I will give some suggestions as to how we can fix ...
This is a letter concerning the growing issue about police brutality throughout the United States.
Police Brutality has been a big issue in 2016. So big that is has claimed the lives of hundreds. Our president needs to be able to fix these proble...
As a citizen of the US I believe that in order to have a smooth running country, we need a better justice system. Our justice system is supposed to...
Police Brutality in the United State
If our country loses it's respect for our officers, what will be the next to fall?
Bring justice to Washington
This country was established for freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It's hard to fulfill these thing's if people are being killed because t...
Police Brutality becomes worse and worse each day. It's an important matter in our country and it needs to stop.
Police brutality throughout the nation is a growing issue that the next President of the United States needs to confront and solve.
This letter is about what I would like the president to try and fix with his power.
Inequality amongst racial groups in America is a major issue because people are being deprived of their inalienable rights of life, liberty, and th...
Riots, protests, and more killings. Police brutality is alive and well. As communities and their officers are driven farther apart, our hopes turn ...
Police brutality is a serious issue in the world, with the presidents help, I think we can help the world become a better place.
Racial Profiling is a problem that needs to be solved
According to CNN, states require more training time to become a barber than a police officer. This may be the reason there is an increase in polic...
Institutional Racism in the U.S.
In this letter to the next president I evoke the issues of police killing innocent young African Americans and the consequences of there actions ar...
Racism will remain the biggest issue in this country until we are all clear on how serious the situation is.
Dear future President, my name is Elizabeth Flores Moya, I am 17 years old and currently attend Community Academy of Science and Health high school...
The laws that apply to every citizen should also apply to police officers equally. Police officers should get punished when they use unjustified br...
In many cases, capital punishment is unjust because many people are falsely accused and some not treated equally due to the circumstances of how t...
Police in the U.S. are affecting us negatively and their acts should be put to an end. Our safety and concerns matter!
All lives do matter. It's time that the country acts like it.
My letter is about the problem of police brutality and if its a major problem and if it needs fixing.
We have developed a fear of police officers with their way of protecting us, which seems to be to shoot first and ask questions later.
Its about things that are problems in the use that nobody cares about and nobody is changing
Police brutality have always been here but recently it has gotten out of hand. Innocent people are dying in the hands of police who use their badge...
Police brutality is a huge problem in our country.
The criminal injustice in the U.S is a really big problem. ...
Police Brutality has to stop
Should the average person of color fear for their life, or are they blowing this out of proportion?
More African Americans are being killed than Caucasians.
"In order for America to be "great", we need to hear from different types of people. White is not the default."
This is my letter on the topic of racism and police Brutality
It's about crooked cops and how most of us see the killings yet we don't take action.
Police Brutality
Written for the next president to base decisions on the concept of what America really stands for and not to single out groups of people or general...
People are entitled to not stand for the national anthem as a peaceful, effective protest against racial inequality and police brutality.
There are too many injustices in the criminal justice system for American citizens to truly be safe.
This issue of police brutality is huge issue in the U.S that needs to be address and take a stand. But also black lives matter is a serious issue w...
Police attacking the innocents
The country's safety and future is in the hands of our law enforcement like police officers, firefighters, lawyers and sheriffs. Is the power goin...
Why the Black Lives Matter movement is doing more harm than good.
Police brutality is an ongoing problem, when it shouldn't be something we should have issues with.
The criminal Justice system is injust and needs to be fixed for the better of the country.
Police are doing the opposite of their job by endangering innocent lives.
Police brutality of African Americans needs to stop.
In order to end racial discrimination in the United States, citizens need to respect one another and realize 'all lives matter.'
Police brutality and racism has been occurring for too long, and you have to take action before history repeats itself again.
This letter discusses misconceptions and the blatant discriminatory nature of police interactions with African American citizens.
The problem that needs to be stopped.
Every voice matters; every vote counts.
We need more restrictions on gun control for the safety of our citizens
The policemen are here to protect the people, NOT to kill them!
Animal cruelty is wrong, and should have a more serious punishment for those who abuse animals.
Police officers are not required to have a college degree. In the U.S. we have too much police violence and racism. This may be caused by their lac...
Capital punishment is just an excuse we make so that we can take revenge. Killing is a huge step backwards for mankind. Therefore, the death penalt...
Police brutality has been a huge topic to talk about lately. But why hasn't there been any change? There have been too many deaths caused by unprof...
The affects of Police Brutality and Racial Inequality upon African-Americans.
Police brutality and gun control are two things that should be controlled. We are in 2016, and these are both still major issues that should be set...
The burden of being raped, sexually harassed, or sexual abused is not understood in America, leading to problems with our justice system and rapist...
Criminal Injustice
Police have been abusing their power, and something needs to be done.
Dear Future President,
We know it's a problem, but what's the solution?
Police violence is a very large problem.
There is a huge issue surrounding police brutality and would like to know what the future president will do to help stop this racial discrimination.
Race and punishment, two things that you would have thought to be completly different. But now adays seem so dependant on eachother
yes, ALL LIVES MATTER; but for right now BLACK LIVES MATTER and are the ones at stake.
Executing criminals that convicted the most violent crimes should not be put to death; Therefore it should not be a form of punishment. ...
State funded prisons cost a lot to upkeep.
I am concerned because there have been many innocent people killed this may be because of possible untrained police officers.
We need to denormalize male sexual violence and put an end to rape and rape culture in America.
Not saying that all lives don't matter but right now black people are getting killed and we need help to end the killings of innocent people."i'm g...
This letter is mainly asking for some type of relief for the mothers and other family members of those who have been a victim of Police Brutality. ...
Cops need to be chosen correctly or trained properly, so they can do the job right.
A lot of problems around the U.S. have been occuring witch include a lot of violence and terrorism. I believe we can still make a change and try to...
Police brutality is an issue that matters to many people, an issue that needs to be adressed.
You need to stop policemen from using excessive force because lots of unarmed people are being killed. You can do this by giving more money to the ...
The police shouldn't be a gang of control freaks with guns who can do whatever they want without repercussions
My letter is about Police brutality in the U.S. and how it is the biggest problem that the next president should focus on. The United States police...
The lack of the death penalty and increasing crime rate are issues that need attention. Crime rates in the last ten years have decreased, but not ...
Why are police officers killing black African-Americans?
Police are using their guns way too quickly.
Please fix this recurring problem,
There is a lot of police brutality that has been going on lately.
Don't mistreat people just by their appearance.
Something needs to be done. The topic of police brutality certainly needs to be discussed and changed to better protect the people and the police o...
Many African-Americans fall victim to unjust police brutality in these past few years, and has unfortunately become more and more widespread.
This letter outlines the complexity of the death penalty in the U.S and why it may not be as simple as it seems it should be.
Police Brutality is a highly controversial problem in our country, and many Americans are losing sight of why we have our police officers. I fear t...
The United States has been facing increasing problems with illegal immigration that have gone on for too long. Illegal immigration is the issue tha...